"Make me know Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation. For You I wait all the day."
His ways are so worth waiting for. We've seen evidence of this truth in recent days. But waiting - that is a real challenge for me. Just yesterday, as the classes for Conversational English were to begin, and the Summer Stories from the Porch began, we were challenged with the need for perseverance and patience. Please pray for the women who are in fear of stepping out in faith to learn how to negotiate life challenges in the U.S. Language barriers are so overwhelming, and cultural norms that keep women from pursuing education are so strong. We are learning - and I have so much yet to learn - to allow God to use our hearts, hands,and voices, to demonstrate His hope and lovingkindness to a people group whose ways we just do not yet totally understand.
To help understand, and to assist us and other ministries reaching the Mixtecs, Oscar Gonzales and a team of 8 will be traveling to Montgomery, Alabama, from Cuarenevaca, Moreles, Mexico, in July, for outreach evangelism specifically to help build bridges with the parents of the Mixtec children that are so active in ministries in several of our churches! (Two of the girls who attended Summer Stories from the Porch yesterday are going to GA camp at WorldSong this summer, thanks to the generosity of the church that they are attending - what a praise!)
Construction is about to begin at the center! Later today, we will be meeting with a contractor who is offering to do the demolition of the existing carport, and in July, the MissionServe team will be here to frame in the new multipurpose receiving/ storage/classroom! Thanks to all who have generously given for this project; we still are in need of funds to complete the interior - please prayerfully consider how you might be able to assist!A praise about how Christ's hope has changed lives!
We have new believers among the May visitors to the center, and a recent guest who has been so moved that he is now volunteering and such a huge help!
Cooking classes at Southlawn Commons apartment complex are underway for the children who live there, and volunteers report eleven excited children who came, participated, and went home the first day armed with information, motivation, and encouragement to make healthy food choices. Pray for Ashley and her volunteers who are giving their Wednesdays this summer to help these precious children.
Finally, continue to pray for the guests who come to the center for food, for clothing assistance, and for financial assistance, and for the volunteer missionaries who offer not just the physical sustenance, but hope in Christ to each person that crosses the threshold of the center. God's blessings to each of you.
Joyfully serving,
Donna McCullough, DirectorForest Park Ministry Center
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