Pray for a radical transformation of their lives and circumstances.
Pray for the Lord to take away desperation.
Pray for those who break the law who may be mentally ill. Many mental illnesses can influence decision making....impulsivity and lack of conscience are just two of the more severe illnesses that can lead to crime. Pray for someone to enter that persons life who can give them life giving help and healing.
Pray for public safety officers. One remarked once that an offender once said, " If I can't get some attention from home, at least I get attention if I break the law". Pray that PSOfficers will have wisdom and see past their crime and find help for those who they detain.
Pray for neighborhoods to own their neighborhoods again. To take notice and reach out and get to know their neighbors. The more we know people, the safer things can be.
Pray for those in prison already. That someone will come to them and reach their hearts for Christ.
Pray for churches in Montgomery who are ministering to prisoners here. For wisdom and direction for each volunteer who reaches out.
Pray for family members of offenders. That their needs will be met and the kids of offenders will be sheilded from repeating the offense of their parent.
Any more you can think of to pray for???
Matthew 25: 36" ....I was in prison and you came to visit me"
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