I went to see The Grace Card this last Friday night and I left there wondering what would happen if every Christian in Montgomery..."red and yellow...black and white "would intentionally offer GRACE instead RACE when they see others. What would happen if we offered GRACE to EVERYONE we met? I think it is a grand idea...that can be accomplished with the work of the Holy Spirit.....nothing is impossible with God.

Be praying for your own heart this week and if you can...go see the Grace Card. It is a great reminder of how we are called to be DIFFERENT than the world despite our own struggles.
1. Ask God to help you identify your own feelings of prejudice and racism.
2. Ask forgiveness for the sin of racism and ask God to help you not be defensive about this issue.
3. Find someone who can help you see where you need to grow on this issue.
4. Pray for creative ways to engage people in your church in discussing the ways racism hinders our evangelistic efforts.
5. Pray for leaders in Montgomery to check their own prejudices and be compassionate and open toward one another.
Jesus said.....Love one another as I have loved you.
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