Monday, June 3, 2013


In Montgomery alone, 17-19% of our population lives under the poverty level guidelines for the United States. That is about 43,000 people in Montgomery who make below $23,550 per year for a family of 4. A lot of people can't read well enough to fill out an application or read a textbook for further training. 14% of Montgomery ADULTS can't read well enough to maintain a job. (that was a 2003 stat by the way, it has probably increased) (Ref: Alabama Literacy Council and US Govt Stats on Poverty Rate
If you think that this is ALL caused by bad money management or laziness, I would challenge you to get to know a family or two in poverty...really get to know them. One of the things you will find out is this: MOST people in poverty don't have the education needed to qualify for a job that will pay enough to take care of their family.People become hopeless when they have to wade through the mountains of red tape they have to deal with every day to get assistance or a job.

Why don't they have the education?...There are many factors including learning disabilities and/or were passed through grades getting farther and farther behind. There are numerous reasons but we have a solution, don't we?

How can we as Christians help?

1. Pray. Pray for those in poverty to be connected to others who could help them.Pray that they are willing to learn some new skills and be encouraged by those who help them!
2. Ask the Lord if you or your church should get trained in ADULT LITERACY as well as CHILDREN'S TUTORING and begin to help those in need.
3. Join up with a church, ministry or organization who tutors kids so that their futures can be different.
JESUS was a practical guy who met practical needs as he ministered along the way. Then shouldn't we do the same if we are "followers" of Jesus?
Need some help with idea? Contact Lisa Rose at Montgomery Baptist Association for resources and trainings. 334-271-6794.

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