"Pray for the city.....for when it prospers, so will you." Jeremiah 29:7
Monday, September 23, 2013
Poverty-What is the answer?
is the answer? Education? Employment? Better budgeting? Jesus? I
would be so bold to say ALL of the above. Here are some startling stats
for you!
Pray and ask the Lord for guidance on what you need to do to help alleviate hunger in the Greater Montgomery County.
Scripture says this: Isaiah 58:10 "If you offer your food to the hungry and satisfy the
needs of the afflicted, then your light shall rise in the darkness and
your gloom be like the noonday".
Hunger Related Statistics in Montgomery/Lowndes County AL 2013
1. 23.2% of Montgomerians live at or below the poverty level. It was
17% in 2006. (The poverty level is an annual income of $23,550 or below
for a family of 4 according to US Dept of Health and Human Services) 2. Poverty rate for all persons in Lowndes County is 27%. 3. 33.9% of children in Montgomery County live in poverty and 10.8% of adults over 65.
4. 72.9% of children in Montgomery County public schools receive free
or reduced school lunches. In Lowndes County,that figure is 98%. 5. There are approximately 487 homeless persons in Montgomery, Lowndes, Elmore and Bullock counties.
Every week, you will receive prayer requests relevant to the FIVE issues that were identified for the Montgomery area(see history below)if you follow this blog.
We all know that prayer can change things. Montgomery needs prayer warriors like you who can stand in the gap for the people of Montgomery.
Thank you for joining this effort to pray for this city.
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