Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Praying Outside Our World

Today, as we sat in staff meeting, when we read the prayer requests, I looked down the list and saw that there were many hurting people in our churches who needed prayer, support and care. And that was just those we knew about IN OUR churches. Every day, everywhere you go.....there are those you bump into or sit by at the restaurant who are hurting and feel very, very alone. It is important that we get out of our "world" and look around us.
God is working all around you....bringing people into your midst who NEED YOU to tell them about Jesus and his love for them. God brought you to that person for a reason...to share HIS love in your actions and your words.
Are you and I "willing" to get out of the fishbowl of "our world" and look around us, here in the Montgomery area and see who might be hurting?
Prayer challenge this week: As you go about your day, each day this week, ask the Lord to show you who HE wants you to talk to and strike up that conversation.......be BOLD, be STRONG....be COURAGEOUS.
PRAY PRAY PRAY for our city our neighborhoods as we go about our days. How do we fit into God's plan for OUR neighborhoods to know Christ?

"Pray for the city to which I have sent you, for when it prospers in peace, so will you"? Jeremiah 29:7

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