Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Get Out of Self.....

“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.” Philippians 2:3, NKJV

This is one of the basic premises of being a follower of Christ. Put others first. The way that we can see Montgomery "changed" is that we start thinking of others needs above our own. See, we are very blessed. If we have an intimate relationship with Christ, we already have our needs taken care of. We don't have to scratch and claw for our needs to be met. Jesus has that handled. He really does. 

Because He has that handled in our lives, we can then set aside focusing on self to focusing on being "little Christs" to others especially those who don't have Him to meet their needs. 

In our area, there are thousands of people who woke up this morning hurting, scared and lonely. They are frightened of what the day will hold for them. YOU and I can be that "hope" they need today. Look around you at work, at the grocery store, in the restaurant.....they are hurting....they need God! You have that great gift to give to others.

Ready for the day? I am!! Let's make ourselves get out of "our self" and see the need around us. Ask the Lord to show you the world around you today. See people through Christ's eyes. Don't judge. Minister instead.

Do that because it is the "Christ" thing to do. Crime, Racial issues, poverty, school problems, lack of jobs, consumerism and other core issues that exist in Montgomery can only be overcome if HEARTS are changed. Plans and strategies are good but only HEART CHANGE can make the real difference.

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