Wednesday, July 6, 2016

What Will People Remember You By?

So, I have been doing some family research and found out that my 10th great grandfather, William Chesebrough, came to America in the 1600's. He was apparently a very godly man and he was written about because of it. (William Chesebrough was a farmer and trader in the colonies of Massachusetts and Connecticut. He was one of the four co-founders of Stonington, Connecticut, along with Thomas Stanton, Thomas Miner, and Walter Palmer).

Apparently, when he came to America in the mid 1600's, he knew that he was coming into someone else's home and made every effort to respect that home. He made a concerted effort, according to documents, to reach out to the Native Americans in Connecticut and become friends with them. He started a church in Stonington and shared the gospel with everyone he met.

Here is the quote from someone who knew him.
"And further, it needs only to be added, that he was a man of decided Christian principal, and that wherever he planted himself he was an earnest supporter of living out our faith in Christ".

Point here is this: What kind of legacy will YOU AND I leave here in the Greater Montgomery area as a follower of Christ?

I look around and listen to the news and see incredible pain and suffering here and around the world. Part of our legacy should be that people KNEW we were followers of Christ by both word and deed and we were able to OFFER them HOPE and PEACE that ONLY Christ can give.

Let's pray about how we will be remembered today. Let's pray that our lives will point to Christ not only after we die, but now, as we live.

Points to pray for this week as we live and work in the Greater Montgomery area.

1. Pray that our own hearts will be challenged and changed, molded into who God desires us to be. That we will seek Him every day and saturate ourselves in His word so that we will know how to live and act and love others the Jesus Way.
2. Pray for those we meet, that they will see Christ in us, not our human selves. That His light would shine through us so clearly that there would be no doubt whose we are.
3. For those in our Greater Montgomery area-that we will see through the facades that are portrayed and see their hearts AND have the courage and boldness to offer the same love we have been given through Christ.

"My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me". Galatians 2:20
                                                Embrace The Cross-Steve Green

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