Monday, September 12, 2016

Telling a Better Story As Followers of Christ in Montgomery

PRAISE: We are rejoicing this week as a new Korean church plant has started  in Montgomery. Vaughn Forest Church is sharing space, FBC and others are walking beside them and WE need to join them in prayer as they seek to reach a people group here in Montgomery who has most of their material possessions taken care of and like many with their physical needs taken care, don't always seem to see their need for Jesus.
Pray for Montgomery Korean Community Church as they had their launch service this past Sunday. 

PRAISE: Also on Sunday, a group of believers got together at Common Ground Ministry and had some great conversation about tearing down walls and building bridges.
From Alan Cross:
What I saw tonight at the "From Walls to Bridges" forum was basic Christianity - people loving one another and endeavoring to hear one another, even when it is difficult. When our churches say they aren't ready for white-black dialogue, cooperation, worship, ministry, and they are in a place like Montgomery, they mean that they aren't ready for Jesus. THIS is what normal looks like when Jesus is at work. What happens (or doesn't happen) in many of our churches when we stay racially divided is subnormal and reflects a worldly perspective. Read Philippians 2:1-5. It is so clear. If you know Jesus even a little, you will love sacrificially. The desire is to get groups like this happening all over the city. #tellabetterstory.

Pray for followers of Christ in our city. Pray that we will all seek to build bridges in our communities and not walls. 

PRAISE: We continue to follow up with after the Mixtec Outreach with visits and Bible Studies.
Keep praying for this unreached, unengaged people group to understand the gospel and follow Christ fully. 

A lot is happening in our city for the good....let us all be willing willing to seek the Lord this week and  #tellabetterstory.

 1 Chronicles 16:24 "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples".

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