Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Word Became Flesh

The Word became flesh and blood,
and moved into the neighborhood." John 1:14 The Message

This is one of my favorite scripture because it reminds me that Jesus, in all he did, went where the people were. Whether it was near or far, He went there. God chose to come to earth and be with us. So what does that say to us, as followers of Christ?

 Here are a few prayer thoughts for us this week.....

1. Pray that followers of Christ in the Greater Montgomery area will continue to be strong and courageous and step out of comfort zones to reach people who are hurting.
2. The Montgomery Baptist Association identified 5 core needs in the greater Montgomery area: Crime, Poverty, Race, Schools and Consumer Religion. There are exciting things going on in each of those areas to draw people to Christ. Ask Lisa Rose for more information on how to get involved.
3. Pray for ourselves. Each of us reading this, I know, has a heart for people to come to Jesus but we must be actively sharing that Good News we have received. It is not the type of news we keep to ourselves.

So, Jesus went to where we were...."to the neighborhood" and "dwelt among us"(in another translation). Will we do the same? We are His representatives on this earth. We are called to do what He was doing. (Re-read John 17).

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