This is a prayer that was written by my friend who was a LONG TIME missionary in cities. He is a poet and continues in his retirement to lift cities up to the Lord! Let us all pray this prayer together for our city this week!
O, God, who is in the midst of the city,
hear us as we pray for our city,
The City Of Montgomery.
You hold us accountable if justice is denied
even to one of us,
including the stranger within our gates.
You delight in us when faith, hope, and love
describe the way we live.
Have mercy on us when
our unfaithfulness breaks our covenants,
our hopelessness threatens our future,
and our lovelessness undermines
our most precious relationships.
Thank you, God, Source of forgiveness,
who enables us to begin again,
by God's grace.
We pray for the peace of the city,
and forthe courage to do the deeds
that make for peace.
Help us be good neighbors
to our neighbors.
Give us the purpose
to follow Jesus,
who is Building Bridges
between one and another, and
between us and God.
And let all the people say, Amen.
We changed the city to is an appropriate prayer for us.
Written by DeLane M. Ryals on October 7, 2006Read on Sunday, October 31, 2010, in morning worship at First Baptist Church, Nashville, TN
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Praying for Peace in Montgomery

What is my responsibility as a Christian toward overcoming violence? Do I yell "Stop it; violence is wrong" or do I say "Well, it's always been this way"—and try to ignore it and stay out of harm's way?
What does the Bible say on the subject of violence? And what should be our Christian response?
Romans12:21 says:
"Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he's thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good".The Message
Praying for Peace In Montgomery
1. Pray for ourselves...that we will be peacemakers instead of trouble makers.
2. Pray for others...that we will be beacons of peace in our jobs, our families and our neighborhood.
3. Pray for those who have committed crimes and are incarcerated. Pray for those who ministering there that they will make a difference.
4. Pray for our children.....that if they are in abusive situations...that God will make a way out for they won't repeat the violence as an adult.
5. In our upcoming elections, pray for those who could be voted into offices that can make a difference. That they will see the root of violence and not just band aid the symptoms.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Whose Wealth Is It?

Jeff Guernsey, M.S.
Every good gift comes from God. What we acquire as Christians is not ours but a gift from God. Psalm 24:1 says; "God owns it all". Anything we have is given to us to use for HIS glory.
How are you using your "wealth" or "gifts" to serve the Lord in Montgomery today? 17% of folks living in Montgomery live under the poverty level. Most of that 17% work at a job.
Pray for:
1. Pray that all of us, as believers in Christ, will see our possessions as tools to share God's love with others.
2. Pray that God will help us soften our hearts to share what we have with others who don't.
3. Pray for opportunities this week to share your wealth with those in need in Montgomery.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Praying for the Poor
This past week I had the privilege to help teach a group of churches in Lowndes County from different denominations about generational poverty along with Donna McCullough from Forest Park Ministry Center and Jean White from the North American Mission Board. We talked a lot about how people in long term poverty have a different set of "hidden social rules" than those of us who grew up with the middle class mindset. As Christians, it is important that we know that in order to help people make life changes to have "life to the fullest or abundant life" as John 10:10 talks about.
I got to wondering as I prepared for this conference, how often we take time in Montgomery and surrounding areas to "really" understand where a person is coming from when they come to our church doors and ask for help? Everyone who is hurting comes with a story....everyone comes with a background of learning how to cope with life. Wondering what would happen if we took the time to get to know those who are in a bondage of poverty and find out where they are coming from?
Just wondering..........
Just wondering..........
1. Pray for those in poverty in Montgomery... 17% of our population live under $21,000.
2. Pray for those in poverty in Lowndes County which is 31% of the population there.
3.Pray for release from the bondage of generational poverty. It is very difficult way of life to get out of.
4.Ask God today how you can help someone get out of generational poverty and help them have "an abundant life in Christ".
Proverbs 21:13 says: " If you neglect the cries of the poor, your own cries for help with not be heard."
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This week...lets join together and remember one of Montgomery's finest, Lt. David Brown who is still facing a very serious and challenging road ahead. Pray for his family and the Montgomery Police Department. You can find the prayer group on Facebook if you would like to join his family and friends in praying for him on a daily basis.
Let is join together and pray this scripture so that he will be determined and confident as he goes through this journey of healing.
Joshua 1:9 "I will be strong and courageous. I will not be terrified, or discouraged; for the Lord my God is with me wherever I go."
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Loving ALL cultures...the Jesus Way!

How about you? Are you a peacemaker as a Christian?
Read the words of Psalm 139 as a prayer today:
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Prayer points for the week:
1. Ask God to help you identify your own feelings of prejudice and racism.
2. Ask forgiveness for the sin of racism and ask God to help you not be defensive about this issue.
3. Find someone who can help you see where you need to grow on this issue.
4. Pray for creative ways to engage people in your church in discussing the ways racism hinders our evangelistic efforts.
5. Pray for leaders in Montgomery to check their own prejudices and be compassionate and open toward one another.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Filling the Void
I saw this the other day and wanted to re run it....Drive through Eastdale Mall parking lot or through Eastchase. Why do so many people congregate at the malls? Most shop for things we need of course, but for a lot of people, it is because they are lonely and because they think that being around a lot of other people will make them happy and no longer lonely. Most find that that isn't true! Some shop there not because they need something, but because they think that shopping will fill an empty void in their souls. They are looking for something to make them feel worthy or whole or accepted.
Wonder what would happen if we all of prayed this week for those souls who congregate at a mall or a Target or a Walmart or the Mall?
Wonder if we prayed for them to be able to find Christ through us or through someone while they are shopping or hanging out. Wonder what would happen?
"I am lonely and troubled. Show that you care and have compassion on me"Psalm 25:16
"You shouldn't just say, "I hope all goes well for you. I hope you will be warm and have plenty to eat." What good is it to say this, unless you do something to help?"James 2:16
"But you must defend those who are helpless and have no hope".Proverbs 31:8
"Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God's people".Ephesians 6:18
FOR a copy of 31 ways to prayer drive Montgomery...go and click on the 31 ways. You can download that and use every day as you drive around Montgomery!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Praying for Internationals in Montgomery

One place that shares the gospel in a very tangible way is the Conversation English School that Montgomery Baptist Association runs and has run for the last 25+ years. About 200 students come(mostly spouses of military and business executives)each year to learn English so that they can function here in the states. At the school, they not only learn English but find new friends who help them wade through coming to a new country and that entails. They also hear the good news of Christ through actions and word. Many teachers share that their students have needs just like those here in Montgomery and they get the privilege to help them through difficult times.
Along with Conversational English, CE School provides a preschool program where the kids of the students get to learn some English. It also provides transporation since many of the wives do not have transportation during the day. Vans from local churches provide a drive and van on Thursday mornings to pick up and take students home after class.
Would you be interested in helping CE students in a tangible way? They are in desperate need of at least one more 15 passenger van and driver for this school year(from September to May) on Thursday mornings. ANY Christian church can volunteer with this need. Call Lisa Rose at 334-271-6794 for more information if you are interested. What a way to show God's love to others who are new to this country!
Pray for:
1. ALL churches in Montgomery who have ESL or CE classes for foreign born students. God has brought the world to Montgomery..lets not lose the opportunity to share His love with people from all over the world.
2. For those who are our guests in Montgomery...that they will meet a person here(maybe one of you) who can share God's love with them both in tangible and verval ways.
3. For Christians hearts to change and lay down any prejudices that we may have toward others who are not from here. We are to ABOVE the world according to Jesus and Love God and Love Others!!
"This is my commandment that you love one another, that your joy may be full. John 15:12
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Praying about Crime in Montgomery

Pray for a radical transformation of their lives and circumstances.
Pray for the Lord to take away desperation.
Pray for those who break the law who may be mentally ill. Many mental illnesses can influence decision making....impulsivity and lack of conscience are just two of the more severe illnesses that can lead to crime. Pray for someone to enter that persons life who can give them life giving help and healing.
Pray for public safety officers. One remarked once that an offender once said, " If I can't get some attention from home, at least I get attention if I break the law". Pray that PSOfficers will have wisdom and see past their crime and find help for those who they detain.
Pray for neighborhoods to own their neighborhoods again. To take notice and reach out and get to know their neighbors. The more we know people, the safer things can be.
Pray for those in prison already. That someone will come to them and reach their hearts for Christ.
Pray for churches in Montgomery who are ministering to prisoners here. For wisdom and direction for each volunteer who reaches out.
Pray for family members of offenders. That their needs will be met and the kids of offenders will be sheilded from repeating the offense of their parent.
Any more you can think of to pray for???
Matthew 25: 36" ....I was in prison and you came to visit me"
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Ways to Pray for Montgomery

2. Add a weekly newspaper to your prayer room at church with highlighted issues to focus on.
3. Go for a prayer walk/drive in the community you live in OR in the community of your church. There are guidelines available for a prayer walk/drive by emailing:
4. Go to your local school administrator and offer to pray for the school's needs,teachers and students.
5. Adopt a firehouse, police station, nursing home, hospital,etc and be their prayer warrior.
6. Of course, invite your family, friends and church members to join Montgomery Prayer Network.
Some verses to meditate on this week:
"Pray for the peace of the city that I have sent you...for when it prospers in peace, so will you." Jeremiah 29:7
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective". James 5:16
Monday, August 23, 2010
Praying for Families In Montgomery

I thought about other families in Montgomery. I know there are famiies who RIGHT THIS MINUTE are going through many difficult times.
Just this past week I heard about families struggling with these things:
School issues
Job losses
Mental Illness
Chronic Illnesses(MS, Diabetes, depression, etc)
Children straying away
Older parents needing assistance
Retirement depression
This week, take some time as you are driving around, going to restaurants, sitting in church and look at the families who are around you. A lot of them are probably carrying burdens that you don't even realize. They are trying to hold it together though feeling like they are about to explode inside.
Here are some specifics to pray for our Montgomery families:
1. Pray that they first of all will realize that they are loved with an everlasting love from a Father in Heaven who knows their every thought. He created them so he knows them better than anyone else. Pray that they feel and know in their hearts that love. For those who do not know the Lord in a personal way, pray for a hunger for Him to be the boss of their life.
2. Pray that they will be able to hand over their situations to the one who promised to be Provider, Healer and Guide to them. Pray that they will not try to take that burden back but lay it at the foot of the Cross.
3. Pray for support to surround them. Sometimes just having someone to give you a hug or pat you on the back and say " I am here for you" can make a world of difference.
4. Pray for provision on whatever is needed: finances, the right doctors, a new job, counseling, etc.
5. And pray for ourselves to be aware of what God is doing around us and being willing to join him in it.
I leave with you this week my favorite promise in the Bible ...pray this prayer for families in Montgomery.
Isaiah 30:20-21 "Though the Lord may give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself anymore, but your eyes shall see your Teacher. And when you turn to the left or to the right, your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, 'this is the way, walk in it." NRSV
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
It Is That Time of Year!

I saw a church sign today as I was coming into work. It reminded us all to pray for our schools. There are lots of issues and lots of angst in Montgomery that we could argue and talk about but really.. it is all about the kids, isn't it? Praying for the kids and teachers should be a top priority in the hearts and minds of all Christians in Montgomery. They are our future and we have the ability to affect their futures through our relationship with the Lord. So....this week as school starts up on various days, remember our schools...but mostly remember the kids.
Some thing to pray for this week:
1. For the kids-there are a number of kids this year whose parents have lost jobs, had to move, etc. Because of that....pray that the kids will be provided for in the needs that the school asks of them. From uniforms to school supplies...God's provision is needed.
2 For our kids in Montgomery to be in an environment where it is condusive to learning. I heard today from several different people that some of our schools are overcrowded this year, I know that high school are being shifted to adding 9th graders, etc and it is hard to learn when you are squeezed together in a classroom or dont have enough books to let everyone have one.
3. For our teachers to remember that every child that comes into his/her classroom is special to the Lord.
4. Pray for teachers to have wisdom and be creative to be able to work with the resources they have!!
5. That our churches in Montgomery will be more involved in the lives of schools in their neighborhoods. I have talked to many schools who would love to have churches involved in helping students and teachers in a variety of ways!
Happy School Days!!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Continued Prayer for the Mission team FROM Mexico!
Pray for the team from Rey de Reyes Baptist Church in Cuernavaca, Mexico(just south of Mexico City). They have had a full first week visting, prayer driving(too hot to walk), visiting churches and working with hospital. PRAY for this coming Saturday. We will be holding our FIRST EVER outreach at Community of Hope and have basketball, pizza and the JESUS film in the Mixteco language. We are praying for 100 people to come. Pray for the parents to come. We need to bring them together for at least one meeting to share with them who we are and what we do and of course...Jesus.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Mexico Mission Team in Montgomery
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Taking Care of Our Kids!
We take James 1:27 very seriously: " True religion is this, to care for orphans and widows in their distress..." God has led us in the direction of taking care of our two very wonderful boys who have some challenges through no fault of their own. We have rejoiced in seeing them become free of their strongholds of the past and continue to walk with them day by day, moment by moment so that they can be healed.
Since we have been in Montgomery, the Lord has continually laid on my heart that taking care of kids who need forever families is the church's responsibility, not the government. Many people have been praying here that our Christian churches would become more involved in orphan care and fostering families. This year, we have begun to see in our Baptist churches a stirring of concern for these kids. Morningview Baptist held a foster parent training earlier this year training families in their churches to get ready to be foster parents. Another church here is in the beginning stages on creating an organization where kids all over the world, including Montgomery, will be taken care of. Many adoptive and foster parents here in the Montgomery area are Christians. God is on the move.
In Montgomery/Lowndes counties there are several hundred kids who are in foster care and quite a few who are legally free to be adopted. Most of these children are typically older and have been removed because of some trauma they have experienced because of someone else's choices. Contrary to what you hear or see(like in the awful movie Orphan)these kids are not removed because they are "damaged" "psychotic" or a"problem". They are children who have been hurt, abused or neglected and need a stable home environment so that they can heal and be the people that God intended them to be.
Pray today:
1. For kids in Montgomery whom you may encounter who are in foster care or have been adopted. That they will be healed from any early trauma that they may have experienced. Pray for their "new" parents who have committed to walking the very difficult journey of healing with them.
2. For our churches to step up and become more proactive in supporting kids in foster care. Pray about how your church can support kids in foster care. Pray about whether you would be willing to be a foster or adoptive parent.
3. Pray for kids in Montgomery as they are our future leaders. Pray for families to step forward and become the permanent stability they need in their lives.
4. Pray that you will be transformed in the way you may see kids in foster care or adopted kids.
I won't lie to you. Being an adoptive or foster parent is not easy. Our kids have some extra baggage that they brought with them and we have the PRIVILEGE of helping them unpack it so they will be free and healed one day. It is a pleasure to serve our Lord in this way.....being a vehicle for God to transform these kids lives and help them be free. May you be blessed with continued transformation of the heart as we journey together to pray for our city and all the challenges we face together as believers in Christ.
Lisa C. Rose, Director of Church and Community Ministries, MBA
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Praying for the Gulf Coast

Have you already committed to prayer for the Gulf Coast? Several denominations are gathering in their local churches to pray for the Gulf Coast and protecting the environment that God created.
As you know, much sealife and vegetation are being destroyed which DOES affect many things. Our natural resources are God's creation and we are called in scripture to protect it.
Genesis 1:26-28(the Message)
God spoke: "Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, and, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth."
God created human beings; he created them godlike, Reflecting God's nature.
He created them male and female.
God blessed them: "Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air, for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth."
Here are some specific prayer points:
1. Pray for those in charge at BP to have wisdom and motivation to get this spill under control. Pray for heart change.
2. Pray for good communication between those working on the coast and those in charge.
3. Pray for those along the coast whose businesses and livelihood are dependent on tourism.
4. Lastly, pray that God will protect the wildlife and vegetation in the ocean and at the coast. Let us all join together this week and remember these things.
Psalm 104:24-30(the Message) God Cares About Our Ocean....He made it!
What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations.
Oh, look—the deep, wide sea, brimming with fish past counting, sardines and sharks and salmon.
All the creatures look expectantly to you to give them their meals on time.
You come, and they gather around; you open your hand and they eat from it.
Send out your Spirit and they spring to life— the whole countryside in bloom and blossom.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Praying for Those In Prison

As you pray today, lift up McGehee Road Baptist and other churches who have a heart for sharing the gospel to those incarcerated.
Pray for heart changes in those who are breaking the law.
Pray for a radical transformation of their lives and circumstances.
Pray for the Lord to take away desperation.Pray for those who break the law who may be mentally ill. Many mental illnesses can influence decision making....impulsivity and lack of conscience are just two of the more severe illnesses that can lead to crime. Pray for someone to enter that persons life who can give them life giving help and healing. According to federal statistics, over half of inmates in the USA were fetal alcohol exposed in utero. That sets a person up for lack of impulse control. Pray for women who are pregnant right now to show discipline and take care of their babies while in the womb. Long term consequences can affect our city.
Pray for public safety officers. One remarked once that an offender once said, " If I can't get some attention from home, at least I get attention if I break the law". Pray that PS Officers will have wisdom and see past their crime and find help for those who they detain.
Pray for neighborhoods to own their neighborhoods again. To take notice and reach out and get to know their neighbors. The more we know people, the safer things can be.
Pray for those in prison already. That someone will come to them and reach their hearts for Christ.
Pray for family members of offenders. That their needs will be met and the kids of offenders will be sheilded from repeating the offense of their parent.
Pray for a radical transformation of their lives and circumstances.
Pray for the Lord to take away desperation.Pray for those who break the law who may be mentally ill. Many mental illnesses can influence decision making....impulsivity and lack of conscience are just two of the more severe illnesses that can lead to crime. Pray for someone to enter that persons life who can give them life giving help and healing. According to federal statistics, over half of inmates in the USA were fetal alcohol exposed in utero. That sets a person up for lack of impulse control. Pray for women who are pregnant right now to show discipline and take care of their babies while in the womb. Long term consequences can affect our city.
Pray for public safety officers. One remarked once that an offender once said, " If I can't get some attention from home, at least I get attention if I break the law". Pray that PS Officers will have wisdom and see past their crime and find help for those who they detain.
Pray for neighborhoods to own their neighborhoods again. To take notice and reach out and get to know their neighbors. The more we know people, the safer things can be.
Pray for those in prison already. That someone will come to them and reach their hearts for Christ.
Pray for family members of offenders. That their needs will be met and the kids of offenders will be sheilded from repeating the offense of their parent.
Matthew 25: 36 " I was in prison and you visited me.."

Monday, June 7, 2010
Praying for Domestic Violence in Montgomery
This past weekend another person became a victim of death by domestic violence in Montgomery. A woman was shot by her husband whom apparently she had wanted to get away from but he found her and shot her to death. This incident, unfortunately, happens far too often than we would like to acknowledge in Montgomery and the surrounding counties.
Violence in families is not a respecter of persons. It happens across every race, gender, religious, educational and economic status. In the south, we are really very good at hiding things. Our homes and yards look very pretty on the outside but th
e relationships that go on INSIDE are sometimes not pretty. Rages, hitting and bullying each other happens but when we walk outside the doors of our homes, we act as if nothing has happened.
What does one do? If we don't see something, how do we know it exists? The family member or friend of this latest victim said they "were always fighting" but didn't think it would get this far. She knew something was not right. Had she tried to help? Our society today doesn't want to get involved....we are in constant fear for our lives and have taken on the attitude, this is not our business. What do we do?
There may also be someone reading this right now who is a victim or abuser. There is help today for you. Family Sunshine Center in Montgomery will help the whole family get better. It is not a shameful thing to ask for help. It is the godly thing to get help. Ask the Lord to bring you help and resources. Be brave and get help today!
So, what can we do as Christians in Montgomery who want to help:
1. PRAY PRAY PRAY!! Pray for families to be healed. Pray for children to be protected. Pray for the spouses who are being abused(it happens to men too)to be strong and brave and get out of that situation! Pray for those who are being abusive as they too have been victims at one time in their lives. They are carrying on the family legacy. Pray for it to stop with this generation.
2. If you know someone is being abused or abusing, help them get some help. We are very, very blessed to have the Family Sunshine Center here in the Montgomery area that serves our surrounding counties as well.
3. Pray that the Lord will show YOU how valuable you are to Him today. You really are "fearfully and wonderfully" made. Pray that Christ will engrain that in your soul today. NO ONE can devalue you or I when God is our Father, husband, friend, partner for eternity! He created us!
4. Pray for organizations in Montgomery and the surrounding areas to continue to be a light in the midst of darkness.
5. Pray for children who are victimized as well as the spouse. If they are not being abused, they are seeing the abuse. That will be their model for when they grow up! Let's ask God today to help us stop it today!
"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. I will remove your heart of stone and give you a tender heart."Ezekiel 36: 26
Violence in families is not a respecter of persons. It happens across every race, gender, religious, educational and economic status. In the south, we are really very good at hiding things. Our homes and yards look very pretty on the outside but th

What does one do? If we don't see something, how do we know it exists? The family member or friend of this latest victim said they "were always fighting" but didn't think it would get this far. She knew something was not right. Had she tried to help? Our society today doesn't want to get involved....we are in constant fear for our lives and have taken on the attitude, this is not our business. What do we do?
There may also be someone reading this right now who is a victim or abuser. There is help today for you. Family Sunshine Center in Montgomery will help the whole family get better. It is not a shameful thing to ask for help. It is the godly thing to get help. Ask the Lord to bring you help and resources. Be brave and get help today!
So, what can we do as Christians in Montgomery who want to help:
1. PRAY PRAY PRAY!! Pray for families to be healed. Pray for children to be protected. Pray for the spouses who are being abused(it happens to men too)to be strong and brave and get out of that situation! Pray for those who are being abusive as they too have been victims at one time in their lives. They are carrying on the family legacy. Pray for it to stop with this generation.
2. If you know someone is being abused or abusing, help them get some help. We are very, very blessed to have the Family Sunshine Center here in the Montgomery area that serves our surrounding counties as well.
3. Pray that the Lord will show YOU how valuable you are to Him today. You really are "fearfully and wonderfully" made. Pray that Christ will engrain that in your soul today. NO ONE can devalue you or I when God is our Father, husband, friend, partner for eternity! He created us!
4. Pray for organizations in Montgomery and the surrounding areas to continue to be a light in the midst of darkness.
5. Pray for children who are victimized as well as the spouse. If they are not being abused, they are seeing the abuse. That will be their model for when they grow up! Let's ask God today to help us stop it today!
"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. I will remove your heart of stone and give you a tender heart."Ezekiel 36: 26
Friday, June 4, 2010
Look What God Is Doing!

"Make me know Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation. For You I wait all the day."
His ways are so worth waiting for. We've seen evidence of this truth in recent days. But waiting - that is a real challenge for me. Just yesterday, as the classes for Conversational English were to begin, and the Summer Stories from the Porch began, we were challenged with the need for perseverance and patience. Please pray for the women who are in fear of stepping out in faith to learn how to negotiate life challenges in the U.S. Language barriers are so overwhelming, and cultural norms that keep women from pursuing education are so strong. We are learning - and I have so much yet to learn - to allow God to use our hearts, hands,and voices, to demonstrate His hope and lovingkindness to a people group whose ways we just do not yet totally understand.
To help understand, and to assist us and other ministries reaching the Mixtecs, Oscar Gonzales and a team of 8 will be traveling to Montgomery, Alabama, from Cuarenevaca, Moreles, Mexico, in July, for outreach evangelism specifically to help build bridges with the parents of the Mixtec children that are so active in ministries in several of our churches! (Two of the girls who attended Summer Stories from the Porch yesterday are going to GA camp at WorldSong this summer, thanks to the generosity of the church that they are attending - what a praise!)
Construction is about to begin at the center! Later today, we will be meeting with a contractor who is offering to do the demolition of the existing carport, and in July, the MissionServe team will be here to frame in the new multipurpose receiving/ storage/classroom! Thanks to all who have generously given for this project; we still are in need of funds to complete the interior - please prayerfully consider how you might be able to assist!A praise about how Christ's hope has changed lives!
We have new believers among the May visitors to the center, and a recent guest who has been so moved that he is now volunteering and such a huge help!
Cooking classes at Southlawn Commons apartment complex are underway for the children who live there, and volunteers report eleven excited children who came, participated, and went home the first day armed with information, motivation, and encouragement to make healthy food choices. Pray for Ashley and her volunteers who are giving their Wednesdays this summer to help these precious children.
Finally, continue to pray for the guests who come to the center for food, for clothing assistance, and for financial assistance, and for the volunteer missionaries who offer not just the physical sustenance, but hope in Christ to each person that crosses the threshold of the center. God's blessings to each of you.
Joyfully serving,
Donna McCullough, DirectorForest Park Ministry Center
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Graduation Day!

Many schools last week and this week are having graduations from Kindergartens to High School....our colleges had their graduations the the first part of May. Many students from HS and College are now in the REAL world of work and responsibillities. They will be Montgomery's will they do?
Pray this week:
1. That ALL students will(if they don't already)find really good mentors to guide them through the realities of being out of the safety of "school". For those mentors to be able to guide them to know what it means to be responsible citizens.
2. For ALL students to be guided to a firm foundation in Jesus Christ. This certainly will be their anchor for their futures in all the decisions that they will be making over the next years.
3.Pray for younger students who are approaching high school and college...that God will bring mentors into their lives who will help direct their paths.
4. Pray for parents to come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ so that they can guide their children properly with Godly wisdom. For those who are already believers, pray that God will fill them with guidance and direction.
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it". Proverbs 22:6
Monday, May 10, 2010
Praying for Our Hospitals
Pray for Montgomery area hospitals. As much as one grumbles about health care these days, we are very fortunate to have several great hospitals in our area. Baptist South, Baptist East and Jackson all have doctors and nurses who work hard. They do what they can to make things right for the patients. Jesus cared about the sick and we are very blessed to have people in Montgomery who care for the sick....
Pray today for these things:
1. For administrators-that they will have God given wisdom as they make decisions every day that affect patients.
2. For nurses, aides and others who do the "dirty work" of patient care. Pray that they will be energized and see God at work as they care. Pray that they will be filled with compassion even on the hardest days.
3. For doctors-to have wisdom and care for those they serve. For surgeons who need to be precise and careful. For oncologists who have to tell bad news to some...and on and on. Each area has different challenges and needs.
4. For the rest of the staff..admin assistants, billing, housekeeping, cafeteria, etc. Pray that they will do their job with joy and patience today.
5. ER department as they deal with crisis and trauma. Pray for calmness and clarity.
6. When you see an ambulance go by..say a prayer for the people who will be serving that person in need.
And most of all.........thank God today that we have medical care that is adequate. Most countries do not. We are very blessed no matter what is going on politically, we are still very blessed. If you know someone in the medical field..pray for them today.
Peace along the journey!
Pray today for these things:
1. For administrators-that they will have God given wisdom as they make decisions every day that affect patients.
2. For nurses, aides and others who do the "dirty work" of patient care. Pray that they will be energized and see God at work as they care. Pray that they will be filled with compassion even on the hardest days.
3. For doctors-to have wisdom and care for those they serve. For surgeons who need to be precise and careful. For oncologists who have to tell bad news to some...and on and on. Each area has different challenges and needs.
4. For the rest of the staff..admin assistants, billing, housekeeping, cafeteria, etc. Pray that they will do their job with joy and patience today.
5. ER department as they deal with crisis and trauma. Pray for calmness and clarity.
6. When you see an ambulance go by..say a prayer for the people who will be serving that person in need.
And most of all.........thank God today that we have medical care that is adequate. Most countries do not. We are very blessed no matter what is going on politically, we are still very blessed. If you know someone in the medical field..pray for them today.
Peace along the journey!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
National Day of Prayer

Be in an attitude of prayer today as we join together as believers to pray for our nation, our state, our cities and our families! Pray for Montgomery...that they will know the PEACE of God. Pray that all will know that Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE!
“If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land,” (II Chronicles 7:14, NIV).
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Mixteco? What?
This people group has come to Alabama. There are an estimated 3000 Mixteco's in Central Alabama. A good portion of that group seems to be located here in Montgomery. They have come here to work so that they can provide for their families back home in Mexico.
THREE of our Montgomery churches have begun to reach out and FOUR of our Ministries are reaching them.
Pray for:
Eastern Hills Baptist Church
Ridgecrest Baptist Church
Yarborough Street Baptist Church
Yarborough Street Baptist Church
Community of Hope Ministry
Forest Park Ministry Center
Forest Park Ministry Center
Nehemiah Ministry Center
Shepherds Staff Ministry
The Lord of the Harvest has asked us to meet the needs of the sojourner and the alien. As scripture says: we were all once aliens.....
Pray for:
The Mixteco Task Force in Montgomery. We are continually educating ourselves on this people group and how we can serve them and show God's love in tangible ways. There is a page for Praying for the Mixteco People of Montgomery here on Montgomery.
If you like praying for people groups, here is one right in our backyard that we can pray for and minister to.
God is on the move in Montgomery! Come...join Him in what He is doing.
Peace along the way,
"He executes justice........and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing. Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in Egypt.” (Deuteronomy 10:18–19, ESV)
"He executes justice........and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing. Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in Egypt.” (Deuteronomy 10:18–19, ESV)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Montgomery Christians Alleviating Hunger

A young man of faith who had a dream about helping kids and families in Montgomery have fresh, healthy food. YOU can be involved too! Check out Montgomery's newest urban garden in the article below. Several churches and ministries have become involved in getting this garden set up. The next volunteer day is April 24th which will be some planting and doing some finishing touches. This is one of the ways you and your church can help alleviate hunger. Call Lisa Rose for more info on how to volunteer. 334-271-6794
Here are a few facts that we all need to remember:
1. 17% of our population in Montgomery are living below poverty level.
2. Montgomery has recently been named the most obese city in America for 2010.
***These two statistics are related.***
Pray for ways you and your church can be involved in alleviating hunger in ways that are healthy and beneficial to low income families!!
Matthew 25:31-33
"When he finally arrives, blazing in beauty and all his angels with him, the Son of Man will take his place on his glorious throne. Then all the nations will be arranged before him and he will sort the people out, much as a shepherd sorts out sheep and goats, putting sheep to his right and goats to his left. 34-36"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Enter, you who are blessed by my Father! Take what's coming to you in this kingdom. It's been ready for you since the world's foundation.
And here's why:
I was hungry and you fed me,
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink
I was homeless and you gave me a room,
I was shivering and you gave me clothes,
I was sick and you stopped to visit,
I was in prison and you came to me.'
37-40"Then those 'sheep' are going to say, 'Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?' Then the King will say, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.'
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dr. David Jeremiah started his sermon today talking about an enthusiastic Christian. This man used a sandwich board as a tool of evangelism. On the front, it said, " I am fool for Christ sake...." Many people scoffed at him and rolled their eyes....until the saw the back of the sign which said: "Whose fool are you?" Dr. Jeremiah went on to preach about the lukewarm church at Laodecia(Revelation) and todays consumer religion.
In a survey of 13- to 17-year-olds conducted from 2002 through 2003, the National Study of Youth and Religion found that 16 percent of respondents participated in more than one religious congregation. Four percent attend youth groups outside their congregations.
Wonder how this applies to Montgomery?
Here are some facts:
1.We have about 500 Christ following churches in Montgomery.
2. Our population is about 250,000 in the metropolitan area.
3. Approximately 50% of our metropolitan area call themselves church goers. It may be lower than that according to some stats. That means that 50% or less are not attenders at all.
What does this tell us?
1. 1/2 of our population of this area most likely do not know Christ in a personal relationship.
2. Our society today is "consumed" with consuming. That lifestyle has spilled over into our churches. Experts tell us that most of the time, people look for a church to meet "their" needs, not as a place to serve and reach others for Christ.
What do we do?
1. Examine Isaiah 58 this week. What is "true" religion according to this prophet?
2. Examine our motives for being the "church"? Is it to become a disciple or meet social needs? Is it to worship the Lord or worship the service?
3. If we are consumers, how can we turn into disciples of Christ so that our city will know HIM through our lives?
These are harsh questions for all of us to ask ourselves but if we are to truly be a "fool" for Christ as that gentleman so cleary stated in the beginning of this writing.....we must examine our motives and see if we are "consumers of Christ" or "disciples of Christ". We can't be both according to scripture.
Psalm 119:36-37
"Turn my heart toward you, oh Lord, and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things, preserve my life, according to your promises."
Psalm 139:23-24
"Search me and know my heart, oh Lord. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting."
Monday, March 29, 2010
Racism and Being a Christian

Parenting Online Magazine, Optimum Health
Saw this article the other day and I got to thinking about Montgomery and how we really live each day. What is it we communicate to our children, our friends, our fellow citizens about racism? I thought it might be good to have the prayer focus again this week on this issue since it continues to be a concern for all of us who are believers in one way or the other.
1. Pray that the Lord will continue to help us search our own hearts and see what prejudice we might still harbor.(Psalm 139:23-24)
2. Ask the Lord what we need to do this week to show God's Love to someone who is different than us.( Ephesians 4:32 )
3. Ask the Lord to show us how we can make a diffference in this city and break any barriers that we see. (Psalm 119:133)
4. Pray for the boldness to take a stand for right-ness when we see someone being unjustly treated because they are different. (Psalm 119: 77-78)
5. Ask the Lord to show us what we are teaching the children in our lives about truly loving others. ( Proverbs 22:6)
"Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me."
Psalm 119:133
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I Was Hungry.............

"If you negect the cries of the poor, your own cries for help will not be heard."
Proverbs 21:13
1.In Montgomery, 17% of the population lives UNDER the national poverty level of $21,000.
2. 67% of the 30,000 children in Montgomery live below the poverty level. that means that it is hard for parents to feed their kids over the summer and holiday breaks those two meals they usually eat at school.
3. There are many reasons that people live in poverty: lack of education, generational poverty, unemployment, illness, divorce, lack of good judgement.
4.There is no one thing that contributes to poverty. It seems like an overwhelming issue.
How do we pray for the poor and disenfranchised in Montgomery?
Here are some suggestions:
1. Pray for our city and state governments to begin to create new ways of "assisting" people in need. Ways that will give a HAND UP instead of making people dependent on a system.
2. Pray for ministries/churches all over Montgomery to see the deeper needs that a person has as they come and ask for food or clothing. Pray that there will opportunity for that person to hear the gospel in a way that they understand.
3. Pray for all of our churches to be sensitive to the needs of the poor in their communities especially as they may visit our churches and not understand the way in which we "do" church.
4. Pray for healing , heart changes and open doors for jobs that will provide for that familiy of low wealth.
5. Pray for Christians to be even more generous than we have in the past and pray for us all to have opportunities to serve those who are hurting financially.
And finally, pray for each of us to have a deeper understanding of God and his generous spirit, so that we will be ready and willing to serve those of low wealth with the resources that we have been given.
"Because you have been treated generously, live generously"
Matthew 10:8
The Message
Monday, March 22, 2010

Please pray for the last MPS Board "town hall" for our school tonight at Lee High School. Be there if you can....6pm. They will be talking about changes in grades at the schools. The long term plan is great...the transition plan is not so good. Hundreds of kids will have no transition year to high school this next year. Pray that the board "hears" those who speak. Our schools will be GREATLY affected next year! Thanks!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Unemployment in Montgomery and Alabama
Continue to pray for the people of greater Montgomery who do not have a job at this time...
1. Pray for our country's economy and changes
2. Pray for open doors for new work
3. Pray for our people to turn to the Lord for provision and peace-the ONLY one who can bring both.
FROM WSFA March 10, 2010
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - Alabama's unemployment has risen to 11.1 percent, the highest figure in 26 years. The state Department of Industrial Relations announced the January rate Wednesday.
It is up from December's revised rate of 10.9 percent. The last time Alabama recorded 11.1 percent unemployment was January 1984. Industrial Relations Director Tom Surtees said Alabama saw a decline of 30,800 jobs in January, and the unemployed rate represents more than 228,000 people.
"As we begin a new year, I hope that this great recession is nearing its end..." Surtees said. "As that happens, I would like to remind everyone that the unemployment rate is a lagging indicator of economic recovery."
The counties with the lowest unemployment are Madison at 8.7 percent, Shelby at 8.8 percent, and Coffee at 9.0 percent. The counties with the highest unemployment are Wilcox at 27.4 percent, Monroe at 22.4 percent, and Conecuh at 21.8 percent.
1. Pray for our country's economy and changes
2. Pray for open doors for new work
3. Pray for our people to turn to the Lord for provision and peace-the ONLY one who can bring both.
FROM WSFA March 10, 2010
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - Alabama's unemployment has risen to 11.1 percent, the highest figure in 26 years. The state Department of Industrial Relations announced the January rate Wednesday.
It is up from December's revised rate of 10.9 percent. The last time Alabama recorded 11.1 percent unemployment was January 1984. Industrial Relations Director Tom Surtees said Alabama saw a decline of 30,800 jobs in January, and the unemployed rate represents more than 228,000 people.
"As we begin a new year, I hope that this great recession is nearing its end..." Surtees said. "As that happens, I would like to remind everyone that the unemployment rate is a lagging indicator of economic recovery."
The counties with the lowest unemployment are Madison at 8.7 percent, Shelby at 8.8 percent, and Coffee at 9.0 percent. The counties with the highest unemployment are Wilcox at 27.4 percent, Monroe at 22.4 percent, and Conecuh at 21.8 percent.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Prayer for March 9-16, 2010
Praying for Schools
Montgomery Board of Education will be making a decision shortly to re-distibute grade levels in our public schools. While many teachers and parents think that this is a good idea, there needs to be time to help the students get acclimated.
The grade levels will be as followed:
K-5 Elementary
6-8 Junior High
9-12 High School
There are many factors to preparing the schools for this transition.
1.Pray for the Board of Education to take into consideration this transition and how it will affect particularly students. Many students who have special needs will find it very difficult to transition to a new school with only a few short months to prepare.
2. Pray for meetings in March to discuss this issue. Pray for these meetings on these specific days. They are as follows:
Carver Elementary Magnet March 10
Carr Junior High: March 15
Lee High School: March 22
All meetings are at 6 p.m.
3. Pray that any concerns that PARENTS and TEACHERS have will be heard by the superintendent and the Board and taken into serious consideration.
4. ARMPT/SAT testing will be coming up starting March 22nd for almost 2 weeks. Pray for students and teachers to be prepared.
5. Pray for SPRING BREAK next week-March 15th-19th. Pray for safety and rest for all students and teachers.
"Point your kids in the right direction—when they're old they won't be lost."
Proverbs 22:6 (the Message)
Montgomery Board of Education will be making a decision shortly to re-distibute grade levels in our public schools. While many teachers and parents think that this is a good idea, there needs to be time to help the students get acclimated.
The grade levels will be as followed:
K-5 Elementary
6-8 Junior High
9-12 High School
There are many factors to preparing the schools for this transition.
1.Pray for the Board of Education to take into consideration this transition and how it will affect particularly students. Many students who have special needs will find it very difficult to transition to a new school with only a few short months to prepare.
2. Pray for meetings in March to discuss this issue. Pray for these meetings on these specific days. They are as follows:
Carver Elementary Magnet March 10
Carr Junior High: March 15
Lee High School: March 22
All meetings are at 6 p.m.
3. Pray that any concerns that PARENTS and TEACHERS have will be heard by the superintendent and the Board and taken into serious consideration.
4. ARMPT/SAT testing will be coming up starting March 22nd for almost 2 weeks. Pray for students and teachers to be prepared.
5. Pray for SPRING BREAK next week-March 15th-19th. Pray for safety and rest for all students and teachers.
"Point your kids in the right direction—when they're old they won't be lost."
Proverbs 22:6 (the Message)
Friday, March 5, 2010
Prayer for March 2-9, 2010
Pick one of the issues we have named this last year as a prayer point in Montgomery.
Misuse or abuse of affluence
1. Look around you and become aware of what is going on in one of those areas this week. Ask the Lord these question:What do you want me to do about this situation?
2. Test the answer:Is this in accordance to God's word?
3. Then just do it!
II John 1:6"And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love"
And as Henry Blackaby says: "look around you to see where He is working an then join Him in it."Dont be surprised as you obey him, that you find you are more blessed than those you minister to......
Peace, Lisa
Misuse or abuse of affluence
1. Look around you and become aware of what is going on in one of those areas this week. Ask the Lord these question:What do you want me to do about this situation?
2. Test the answer:Is this in accordance to God's word?
3. Then just do it!
II John 1:6"And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love"
And as Henry Blackaby says: "look around you to see where He is working an then join Him in it."Dont be surprised as you obey him, that you find you are more blessed than those you minister to......
Peace, Lisa
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