"Pray for the city.....for when it prospers, so will you." Jeremiah 29:7
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
is an ugly word to most of us. If we have been exposed to it(in any
form)we have a choice. We can either become bitter and anxious which
usually leads to us "generalizing the culture of ALL people who were
like the one who harmed us" OR we can see that person through the eyes
of God(which we CAN do if we just ask).
Montgomery crime stats are on
the rise again and I am wondering if it is because we, as Christians,
have stopped praying for crime and those who commit them(or could
potentially commit them). Are we bold enough to do that? Pray for the
ones who committed the crime or could potentially commit it?
On a personal note, we have had hard lessons this year in our own family
and God gave us a choice. Twice in a 6 week span, our family has been
faced with others invading our space and violating our safety. Once to
our car....once to my son who was face to face with someone who was
stealing money from his speech therapists office.They walked in on the
guy stealing the money and had no clue as to whether he had a gun or
not. He was shaken for a few days afterwards, rightly so, but my son,
who has a special insight into life, told me that even though he was
afraid, he needed to pray for this man who committed the crime. I asked
him why and he said, "because, mom, I have Jesus in my heart and even
though I am afraid, I know he will be beside me....we don't know if this
guy has Jesus and if he does, he doesn't trust him, does he?"
So, even though my momma instincts were mad and wanted this boy to
suffer for scaring my son and his therapist, I had to draw close to the
Lord and start praying for this boy who violated my son's sense of
What choice will you make this day as you live for
Christ? Crime does not just go on in big cities.......do you think
Midland City thought this incident of late would ever happen there?
Specifically, pray for Chief Kevin Murphy.......for wisdom as he
discerns how to best work with this city on reducing crime! He
understands that there are underlying problems that cause the crime, so
lift him up so he can know what is best.
Jesus said: "But I
say to you, love your enemies and bless the one who curses you, and do
what is beautiful to the one who hates you, and pray over those who take
you by force and persecute you". Matthew 5:44
Every week, you will receive prayer requests relevant to the FIVE issues that were identified for the Montgomery area(see history below)if you follow this blog.
We all know that prayer can change things. Montgomery needs prayer warriors like you who can stand in the gap for the people of Montgomery.
Thank you for joining this effort to pray for this city.
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