Monday, November 17, 2014

I was in prison and you visited me.....

I have several Christian friends who work at our AL prisons. I have heard over and over again these words from all of them. "No time is wasted in prison", with God. They work with many people who are there long term. They have "seen" redemption and repentance happen. They have also reminded me that "what a person does" should not define who they are in Christ. Many "great" and upstanding citizens and "church members" end up there for a split second choice that they made. No one is exempt from making bad choices. Everyone has a sinful nature. Everyone is capable of evil acts whether we want to admit it or not. ONE WRONG CHOICE can change your future but it does not have to define you. 

Sometimes, when we are removed from the public....for whatever reasons....we hear God more clearly. That is when some great redeeming times can happen.

Pray this week for people who are incarcerated in the Greater Montgomery, AL at the juvenile, city, county and state levels. 

1. Pray for each prisoner to "hear" from God and to begin that transformation journey and be encouraged.
2. Pray for Christian men and women who work in our prison systems that they will not get hardened and that they will continue to reflect Christ-light to all they encounter each day.
3 Pray for volunteers and chaplains who minister on a spiritual level daily-that their words will be the Truth and will bring hope and transformation daily.
4. Pray that when they have served their sentence, as they come back into society, that followers of Christ will embrace them and support them as they transition and make new and better choices.

Hebrews 13:3 "Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies".

I was in prison and you visited me.........Matthew 25:36b

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


This week has been extremely hectic....this is a reminder from Tim Keller's new book on prayer on how seriously Jesus took prayer....Prayer can change things! Let's remember that brothers and sisters as we pray for our community.

“Jesus Christ taught his disciples to pray, healed people with prayers, denounced the corruption of the temple worship (which, he said, should be a ‘house of prayer’), and insisted that some demons could be cast out only through prayer. He prayed often and regularly with fervent cries and tears (Heb. 5:7), and sometimes all night. The Holy Spirit came upon him and anointed him as he was praying (Luke 3:21–22), and he was transfigured with the divine glory as he prayed (Luke 9:29). When he faced his greatest crisis, he did so with prayer. We hear him praying for his disciples and the church on the night before he died (John 17:1–26) and then petitioning God in agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Finally, he died praying.” Timothy Keller, PRAYER

Monday, October 27, 2014

Living in Poverty

Here is an excellent portrayal of what it is like to live in breaks down all the expenses that you and I have each month and sets it against the poverty level that 27% of people in the Montgomery area live in. Can you live on that amount? I certainly couldn't. Not with a family of four.

There are more struggles than we middle class minded folks know. It is easy to be critical/judgemental of those who struggle in poverty. It is harder to be compassionate and helpful. Which will you choose today?

Pray for all followers of Christ in the Greater Montgomery area to live this verse this week as we go about our days.

 "Those who are gracious to the poor lend to the Lord,and the Lord will fully repay them".   Proverbs 19:17 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Praying for Caregivers

Had several conversations this weekend AND even this morning with others about being a caregiver. It is very hard. And there are a LOT of caregivers for both adults and children here in the River Region.

"Carry one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ". Galatians 6:2

Here are some things you may not know about care giving:
1. It is 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Very few breaks.
2. Most insurances pay(IF they pay)for minimal services as far as getting help/respite for caregivers. There are not many services around our area that offer FREE or low cost respite.
3. Most people who care-give spend a minimum of 1/4 of their monthly income on the person they are caring for for prescription co-pays, doctors co-pays, special diets, trips to specialists, etc.
4. After initial diagnoses, most family and friends go back to their daily lives and forget that the caregiver is still overwhelmed, financially stretched, tired and worried about their loved one.
5. Most caregivers end up sacrificing their own health because the family member in need takes A LOT of time and energy. 

So, what does this have to do with you and me? OPPORTUNITY.
1. Pray this week for those you know and don't know in the River Region who give care to their special needs children/parents, etc. This is a very lonely journey sometimes for the caregivers and we, as the church, need to be ready and willing to help with tangible acts of kindness.
2. Pray for how you can serve someone you know who needs that extra support. Prayer for that person is awesome and needed, but tangible acts of kindness are very important as well.
3. Pray for your church to be sensitive to those in your congregation and community who are caregivers.

I'd like to share a personal experience with you.
My mother took care of her sister in law for many years(Aunt Jerry had early onset Altzheimer's). That was back in the 70's/80's. My aunt outlived my mother. My mother had a massive heart attack because of being stressed financially, emotionally and physically. Everyone agreed that she should have had more help. That was AFTER she died. 

Why not help those we know now? Reach out to some folks this week. ASK them what they need and then do whatever you can to help meet that need.....

For ways you can minister to caregivers, email

Monday, October 13, 2014

It's Not My Problem..............

Matthew 10: 5-8
Jesus sent his twelve harvest hands out with this charge: “Don’t begin by traveling to some far-off place to convert unbelievers...... Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here. Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the untouchables. Kick out the demons. You have been treated generously, so live generously.

According to scripture, it IS our problem. Jesus told the 12 disciples to go out to the neighborhoods.....we are his disciples too. Crime, Racism, Poverty, Schools, Consumer Religion....they are OUR problem(the church)and we have the ANSWER! HEART CHANGE. If you know Jesus, you have a solution and you have the ability to find ways to get involved in the solution.

Pray that the Lord of the Harvest will open our hearts and minds TODAY to bring GOOD NEWS to those in the Greater Montgomery Area who are without Christ....and then pray to have the courage to walk along side them to healing and change.

Watch the skit below...........

Monday, October 6, 2014

Praying for those with Mental Health Issues

Should we care for those who are living with mental illnesses? Yes, we should. God does. As followers of Christ, we are to care for what God cares for. 

Pray that the Lord will show you those you know who live with mental illness and pray for the opportunity to encourage them, pray with them or help meet a need.

Jeremiah 30:17 ESV "For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord, because they have called you an outcast: ‘It is Zion, for whom no one cares!"

Monday, September 29, 2014

Crime and Broken Hearts

CRIME: Another wave of violence seems to be hitting the Montgomery area lately. We had kept numbers low but all of the sudden in the past 6 weeks or so, things are ramping up.

We need to PRAY NOW so that more lives are not lost to death and other lives are not snuffed away in prison. What do we do? How can we help? Most of us may not know those who are doing the killing or being killed BUT we are citizens of this area AND we are Christians called to pray(not a is a call) so we need to care.

 Let's begin praying for our area this week for these thing:
1. That hearts will be changed. Crime is a SYMPTOM of a broken heart. Only the Lord can repair it. Lots of reasons the heart gets broken....let's pray that HE will start a work in every person in this area who has a "broken" heart. He CAN repair it. 

2. Pray for our public safety officers/personnel that they will have wisdom. Pray for judges and lawyers and all involved in criminal cases. Pray that they will have the wisdom to know how to handle EACH person who comes through their doors. 

3. Pray for our Mental Health system to be fixed. Change needs to happen and though there are rumblings of change, it is a BIG problem...a GOD SIZED problem that needs fixing...FAST! Approximately 40% of all inmates in Alabama have severe mental health issues. Jails and prisons are not equipped to restore health to those prisoners.(Stats from NAMI-AL) 

4. Pray for ourselves. YOU and I come across people every day who have the symptoms of a BROKEN heart. We are God's vehicle to bring GOOD NEWS to the brokenhearted. Are you and I ready to do that? Are you and I willing to be open to the Holy Spirit using you to bring soothing healing news to the brokenhearted? Are you and I willing to do things/help others on God's terms, not our own? 

Ponder the scripture here and see what the Lord would have you do this week to be "healers of the heart" vehicles for our city!

Monday, September 22, 2014


SCHOOLS: Take time this week to pray for STUDENTS at ALL of our schools, both public and private. Don't think that because your child goes to a private school, that they are sheltered from the social problems of our time. Many of the same problems exist on a smaller scale in private schools BECAUSE we are ALL imperfect human beings.

Prayer points:
1. Pray for all students to be exposed to the gospel by someone who they know who is a Christian. Pray for openness to the heart of who Jesus is.
2. Pray for the parents of all students who come. Each parent needs wisdom and direction for directing and guiding their child. Not every parent grew up with good role models. Not every students choices are because they have "bad" parents.
3. Pray for the Holy Spirit to take full control of the students who ARE followers of Christ. Pray that they will take a stand and do the right thing despite what the "world" says is okay.
4. Pray for families to be healed and needs to be met so that when our students come to school, they will be focused and ready to learn.
For our kids in the Greater Montgomery area.............   
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


This weeks prayer point: RACISM.

 Let this be our prayer this week as we live and work and relate to each other.....this shouldn't have ever happened. EVER! It should never happen again but it could. As followers of Christ WE MUST step up and "imitators" of Christ. That should be our prayer this week and every week. Let's continue to examine ourselves and our actions, making sure we are exemplifying Christ in how we treat others.

 September 15, 2013 is the anniversary of these young girls being killed by HATERS of life. This should have never happened.

Ephesians 5:1-2 "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma"

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Praying for Families in Greater Montgomery

Most of you have heard this horrific story from yesterday(link at bottom). It made national news. A family is devastated. I can't even imagine what they are going through right now. We don't know what really went down to get to this point but I think we can all agree that this "didn't happen" overnight. Dad didn't just wake up and decide to kill all five of his children one day. I have been around the foster care/adoption/mental health scene for a very long time now and know that things like this, when they happen, is a build up of YEARS of dysfunction, sin and family issues that are very, very deep. IN MONTGOMERY, every year, many kids are placed into the foster care system because of abuse, neglect and sometimes horrific acts of violence.

Families from ALL walks of life can become prey to this. It is not just the poor or uneducated or blacks or whites. The family is under attack every day....not from necessarily physical attacks but spiritual ones. And it comes in many forms. It does not have to be extreme like the story below. It does not even have to involves social comes in many forms: rebellion from children, parents bad decisions, mental health problems and the list goes on.

THIS WEEK: pray for families in the GREATER MONTGOMERY area. Here are a few prayer points to guide you to prayer.

1. Pray for parents in our area to stop, think, act before they do something they will regret. Pray for hearts of parents to change. Not every parent will kill all of their children physically, but we can murder our kids with our words...things we can't take back. A kid we fostered once said to me(not that this is okay, but he made a point)-he said: " my bruises healed on my skin from being hit, but the bruises of my moms words have never gone away". 

2. Pray for the kids in our area who go to school every day with sadness, depression, mental health issues and other things that no one ever notices. Pray for someone to notice. 

3. Pray for HEARTS to be changed all over our city, our county and surrounding areas....starting with our own. Only then, can things change. 

4. Pray for your involvement in supporting foster care and adoption. Can you help a family get back on their feet by being a helping family to their kids? Or do you have room for one more kid who needs a family? Pray and see what the Lord tells you. You don't have to have a child in your home to help the foster care and adoption ministry in this area.If you would like more information on supporting this ministry in our area, contact Lisa Rose at 334-271-6794 or email her at

God's Word says this: "The Lord is CLOSE to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed". Psalm 34:18

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Get Out of Self.....

“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.” Philippians 2:3, NKJV

This is one of the basic premises of being a follower of Christ. Put others first. The way that we can see Montgomery "changed" is that we start thinking of others needs above our own. See, we are very blessed. If we have an intimate relationship with Christ, we already have our needs taken care of. We don't have to scratch and claw for our needs to be met. Jesus has that handled. He really does. 

Because He has that handled in our lives, we can then set aside focusing on self to focusing on being "little Christs" to others especially those who don't have Him to meet their needs. 

In our area, there are thousands of people who woke up this morning hurting, scared and lonely. They are frightened of what the day will hold for them. YOU and I can be that "hope" they need today. Look around you at work, at the grocery store, in the restaurant.....they are hurting....they need God! You have that great gift to give to others.

Ready for the day? I am!! Let's make ourselves get out of "our self" and see the need around us. Ask the Lord to show you the world around you today. See people through Christ's eyes. Don't judge. Minister instead.

Do that because it is the "Christ" thing to do. Crime, Racial issues, poverty, school problems, lack of jobs, consumerism and other core issues that exist in Montgomery can only be overcome if HEARTS are changed. Plans and strategies are good but only HEART CHANGE can make the real difference.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Ministering to the World Here in Montgomery

          The world is HERE in the Greater Montgomery area:

Some of you know about the Mixteco people group that have migrated to Alabama and specifically Central Alabama. I have shared about it here and on my personal page. The Baptists are doing some great work here in many different ways to reach this"unreached" people group for the Lord, including partnering with the International Mission Board of the SBC.  We are excited because it has taken about 4-5 years to find out who they are, where they are and how to reach them for Christ.

This past year, our Mixteco Task Force here in Montgomery has gone interdenominational by adding Cornerstone Bible Church to its group. We are thrilled to have them on board as well. Would you and your church like to have a seat on this task force?  Call Lisa Rose and talk to her about it!  So many blessing to have through getting to know this wonderfully, hard working people group. 

One of our task force members has felt a call to "live" with the people here in one of the neighborhoods in Montgomery and be "little Christ" to those who live there. She has made great inroads and built trust among this people and needs our prayer support. She has begun learning this dialect(not Spanish) and is now helping translate. We have to be  very careful about too much information given out because of trust issues and we want to protect the dignity of the ministry.

Some cool things are happening for the Kingdom though and so let me share what has been going on so you can better pray for this people group.
1. There are at least a 1000 people who are the Mixtec Indian Tribe that live in our area(maybe more). Their first language is NOT Spanish but an oral language called Mixteco, which has about 50 dialects within it. We have identified one of the dialects is prevalent here in the Montgomery area.
2. They mostly come from the mountains of southern Mexico in Guerrero and Oaxaca. They are "country" people.
3. They are very hard workers. Most of those who are here are not only providing for their families here but also grandparents or loved ones in Mexico that are ailing or older. Very committed folks to family and work.
4. Most were "trafficked" into the states and were enslaved and abused for the time they were "under" the coyotes "rule". Amazing stories from some on being "freed" and being able to find their way here to Alabama.
5. There are some different cultural things that are important to know but in getting to know their culture, you will understand how best to minister.
6. Forest Park Ministry, Community of Hope,Yarborough Street Baptist, Ridgecrest Baptist, Cornerstone Bible and Montgomery Baptist Association Church and Community Ministries have come together to form a Task Force to form a Task Force to reach this "unreached people group" for Christ ministering in unique and non traditional ways. We all have been working for about 4-5 years and are making some inroads by building trust and being invested.

Here are some things that are needed:

1. Pray-ers- We are going to start a Monday night prayer group and need some committed folks to PRAY  for this people group and for those who are "on the field".  Time and place to be announced.
2. MEN in the Mixteco people are really into soccer and basketball and have formed teams here in Montgomery. We need men who are willing to play soccer and basketball with them in order to have the opportunity to share Christ with them.
3. WOMEN-we are starting a women's BS that will need to have an interpreter(which we have). Any leaders will have to be trained on working with these women and what they need. AND...doing Bible Study differently than you are used to doing it.
4. CHILDREN-Tutors for a new after school tutoring ministry at Hopper Gardens. Tutors will be trained to minister and tutor the kids. We will also need some "child care" for the women's group that will be meeting.
5. Financial supporters for rent(at Hopper Gardens), tutoring supplies AND for Jesus films in their native tongue.
These are FIVE things that you can be involved in if you feel led. I am challenging you to PRAY and seek the Lord and ask for ways you can be involved in leading people to the Lord in this indigenous people group and how YOU can support what is already going on.

ANY Christian church can be involved as long as you are willing to learn and minister in new and exciting ways.

The world has come to the River Region and we get the privilege of helping share Christ with them without even having to go out of the country!!

Contact Lisa Rose at 334-271-6794 OR email me at

"The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God".  Leviticus 19:34

"He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done." Proverbs 19:17

Monday, August 18, 2014

Look to the Cross for answers on Race in Montgomery Alabama

RACE: Good time to remember that we are constantly fighting against SPIRITUAL things that are "unseen" both in our town and other cities. Praying for the CROSS to mean something to Christians in the Greater Montgomery area so that when the time comes, we will be able to minister fully with God's love and grace. Praying for those who do not know Jesus and his changing grace and love. Will you join me this week? Thank you Rev. Alan Cross from Gateway Baptist for this insightful post.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Praying for Others........Overseas!

Stopping a minute in our weekly prayer for our city/county and surrounding area to call on the Body of Christ here to pray for what is happening in Iraq. Below is a link that is a good update and "simple" explanation of what is going on. 

Asking our Montgomery prayers to intentionally pray this week for our brothers and sisters in Christ there and others who are suffering greatly. READ below and fervently pray for intervention and provision.

2 Corinthians 1:11 " also joining in helping us through your prayers, so that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the favor bestowed on us through the prayers of many". 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Prayer Point: Schools

It is that time of year again...schools are starting all around us.Are you ready to start praying intentionally this year for our Greater Montgomery schools both public and private? Each one of those systems have issues because ALL kids bring issues to school with them.

How can we pray?
1. Pray for the administration of EACH school in Montgomery, both public and private. Pray for wisdom, guidance and doing what is best for the student--being brave enough to put politicking aside and doing what is right.
2. Pray for teachers. Pray that the Lord will provide resources, patience, love and fairness in each teacher this year. Pray that as they wade through the new Core Curriculum in public schools that they will have wisdom and discernment. Pray that they will be encouraged. Pray for peace in the classroom so that he/she can actually teach.
3. Pray for support staff: nurses, janitorial staff, secretaries, security etc. Pray for wisdom. Pray for them to do their best.
4. Pray for students. Each student, no matter what their race, gender, economic status will bring issues...even if it is just "growing up" issues.
Pray for their needs to met at home so that they can focus in school. Pray for REAL learning to take place. Pray for kids not to have to come to school hungry each day.
5. Pray for ALL teachers/students and administration to know Christ. If they have a relationship with Jesus, may it grow deeper and become "firmly rooted" in him. If not, pray that someone-maybe you or I-will tell the story to them so that they can know Him personally.
6. Pray about how you and your church can be involved in ministering at these schools. YOU can make a difference even if you don't have a child in that school. ALL schools welcome community support. Our schools ARE your "neighbors".

 Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:37-39

If you need some ideas, you can contact your local school or Lisa Rose at Montgomery Baptist Association. 334-271-6794.

Begin praying now with this as your guide and pray for our schools this next 9 months.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Being Kind....

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 
1 Peter 2:13-15 (NIV)

Have you ever thought about this...... when you or I get a ticket or do something wrong and the authorities step in to give us a consequence... HOW we handle things could change THEIR lives. Wonder what would happen this week, in the Greater Montgomery area, if we have ANY interactions with "those in authority" that we act toward them in a way that would "stop them in their tracks" and SEE Jesus? The next time we get a ticket, WE could be a link to THAT officer becoming a believer. The next time we hear or see a politician ranting about something unbibilical, why not write that person a letter expressing our concern in a kind way. What if our words could change one person in authorities life???
You and I can plant seeds of god's kindness and respect to those "in charge" of our city, our state and our country.
This week.....let's challenge each other to see our city, state and national leaders the way God sees them..HIS wonderful, beautiful creation who NEEDS to be reconciled to the Father. In fact, seeing EVERY human being that way ALWAYS changes the way we relate to them.
" doing(and saying good things)we silence those who are not for God's way".......hmmmmmmmmmm!!!

"Ephesians 4:32 " Instead, be kind and tender-hearted to one another, and forgive one another, as God has forgiven you through Christ"


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Praying For Our World

Did you know that in the MBA Conversational English School that meets at First Baptist Church has over 50 countries represented each year? Over 200 students come to our school to learn English and they are from ALL OVER the world. Each time I see some news story from Israel, Gaza or Ukraine, I think about our students who might be from there. When Japan had their big tsunami, we have several students who were affected. When North Korea made threats toward South Korea, many of our Korean students who were from South Korea were worried about friends and family.
We don't always realize that there are people right in our midst who get upset, worried or frightened when world conflict goes on. They are far away from home and are concerned about their family and friends. We forget what that might feel like to be far away, knowing there is not much you can do for those you love.

In our area, we have the great privilege to minister as we meet them at work, at school, at church or in our community. We can offer a listening ear, we can give a hug or just tell them we are praying for peace and for their families.We have the opportunity to DEMONSTRATE Jesus' love right here where we live.

1. Pray for the opportunity to minister to someone from another country who is in the Montgomery area for this time. Pray that God's love will be demonstrated to them through our words and actions.
2. Look around your daily routine and see if there is someone from somewhere else who you have contact with on a daily basis. Ask the Lord for an open door to invest in them and love them to Jesus.
3. Pray for our world. Many things are happening right now that are very destructive and devastating to average, common people, just like you and me. Pray that there will be peace in the heart of those who are being affected....which really includes all of us in this world but especially those directly affected.
4. Pray for peace in our world today. It starts with us.........

Psalm 46:9-10 Good News Translation (GNT)
9 He stops wars all over the world;
he breaks bows, destroys spears,
and sets shields on fire.
10 “Stop fighting,” he says, “and know that I am God,
supreme among the nations,
supreme over the world.”

If you would be interested in doing some direct ministry to internationals, contact Lisa Rose at 334-271-6794 or

Monday, July 7, 2014

POVERTY: A Vicious Cycle/Giving By Encouraging

I continue to be amazed at how vicious the cycle of poverty is here in Montgomery and how very hard it is to get out. Have been working with a woman that has finally begun to get on her feet and has gotten a good job. She is still living in the shady hotel that is just one of the most awful places to be. It is a community that is heartbreaking to God, I am sure.

The reason many people stay there is because the cost per day is very low. This woman is trying her best to get out of there and make some better changes in her life.For the last two weeks, she has had to scrape together money (until she got paid)to pay her rent at the hotel, get some work shoes, get a bus pass and eat. We forget that when someone starts a job, they don't get paid for a few weeks. We forget that there are some necessities that they have to have when they are starting a new job, a new life.

I think with support, this young woman can make a difference in her future and the future of her family IF she has support. Without support, she will fall right back into the same situation she was in before. Easily, she could get overwhelmed with having to "beg" for rent money, stop going to work because she does not have a bus pass....well...just give up.

The Lord brought her to me and I feel that the best thing I can give her is encouragement, support and if needed, a little helping hand. I pray over every decision I make to help her because I don't want her to be "dependent" yet, she needs support. Interestingly, she has asked me for very little...when she calls me, it is to ask me to pray for her to get through the day, or remind her of the good things that have happened to her. We had prayed over her getting together some rent money and not too long after that, she talked to the hotel manager and he was willing to wait til she got paid. I had the opportunity to show her she could trust in the Lord.

What can we do to help this woman and folks like her? Here is the challenge for us today:
1. Pray and ask the Lord if you need to be a support to someone like this woman who is starting fresh and needs encouragement. When you find out who it is you need to support, be an encourager---don't do it FOR them, help them to do it themselves and believe in them.
2. Pray for the resources they need to become available so that they can stay on their feet once they get on them.
Pray for our city...there are a lot of people like this young woman, struggling to get out of the poverty lifestyle they grew up in and needing support along the way. Support does not always mean money, it really means time, encouragement and prayer.

"You, Lord God, bless everyone who cares for the poor, and you rescue those people in times of trouble". Psalm 41:1

Monday, June 30, 2014

Being Kind to Those in Need

On Saturday, it was a hot and sticky day We had to get out and buy groceries so we went to over to Walmart and stocked up for the next few weeks. As we were loading up the groceries, an elderly woman approached us and asked if she could have a ride to her home. It was at Jeff Davis Apts(which is an apt complex for those who live with medical and mental illnesses-mostly elderly). Quite frankly, at first, I was going to say no....not out of fear or trepidation, but because I had a lot to do at home and felt annoyed someone was interrupting my day. Before the words came out of my mouth(no!)the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said...."take this woman home". I battled for "seconds" over this and then decided to be obedient to that nudge. We loaded her few groceries in the car and she got in. I decided to be happy about this interruption because in the past, God has brought joy and excitement in entertaining "strangers". I changed my attitude and was ready for what HE was bringing to our family.

Ruth(not her real name) was a very pleasant woman and as we all chatted with her, she began to tell us about how one of the local Baptist churches(a small one)had ministered to her over the last few years(she did not know I worked for the Baptists here in Montgomery). She was so grateful to them for bringing her to Jesus and helping her along the way. She told us that she had a hard time getting around Montgomery because she could not drive. She never asked for anything from us except a ride.....we got to encourage her in her journey and love on her for a short time. She was discouraged and hot and tired when she got in. She was laughing and joyful when we dropped her off. It was that simple.

Helping others in need can be....well...annoying at times. We have our plans, we have our agenda and sometimes God interrupts that agenda for the day. He asks us to go beyond our comfort zone, he gives us discernment and He can show us the way. I don't often take people home but that day, that moment, I needed to. Not every moment is going to be taken up with giving rides or helping give services, but sometimes, even if you don't feel you are supposed to help that person in that moment, you can give a kind word or encourage them or pray with them. Simple acts of love can go a long way. Oh, and the family made a new friend and we will be praying for Ruth now as she muddles through this stressful life.

Proverbs 21:13 says this, "If you refuse to listen to the cry of the poor, your own cry for help will not be heard". GNT 

Let's take that seriously today!
Prayer point this week:
What will you do to be kind to the "poor" this week? Are you asking the Holy Spirit today to guide you and direct you to who needs you?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Praying for Montgomery Police Department

This week especially, be praying for our Montgomery Police Department and all leaders involved as they transition to looking for a new police chief and for Chief Kevin Murphy as he looks to his own future. This has been a very controversial and sad time for all involved. Here are a few things to pray for this week.

 1. Pray for Chief Murphy and his family-transition, loss of his brother, protection from bitterness and anger. Pray for the Lord to give him new direction in his life that will honor God and his family.
2. Pray for the police officers under his command. Praying for those who are born again on the force to step up and have the courage to share Christ with their colleagues. Pray for soothing oil to be over the department as this transition happens.
3. Pray for ourselves. That will we will continue to live in the light and not the darkness in our city, our greater Montgomery area. Pray that darkness in our city politics will be exposed.

"I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go, I will counsel you and watch over you". Psalm 32:8

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Change My Heart, Oh God, for Montgomery's Sake!

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect". Romans 12:2 New Living Translation

As we live and work in the Greater Montgomery area, we are to be transformed by changing the way we think about............everything! Not an easy task to do for the average human but with God all things are possible, right?

Here are some prayer points this week for us to ponder.
1. Pray that the Lord will change our way of thinking about those we don't like very much.
2. Pray that the Lord will change our way of thinking of the poor and their circumstances.
3. Pray that the Lord will change our thinking about those of other cultures who are our neighbors and colleagues.
4. Pray that the Lord will change the way we see worship...not as a consumer, but as a participant in the Kingdom.
5. Pray that the Lord will change the way we think about our schools, yes, they are a mess but there IS good all around. We just have to look for it.
6. Pray that the Lord will change the way we think about crime......crime is a "symptom" of heart issues. Pray for change in the hearts of those who commit crimes.Is our heart changed? Can we be the testimony that someone might need to "see" for their own hearts to be changed?

What would happen if we all did that this week....."Lord change me...instead of Lord change them". Wonder how the Greater Montgomery area would look if that happen?  Let's try!! Are you on board? I am.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Lying and Slander in Montgomery Politics

Exodus 23:1 ESV “You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness". 

I saw this verse after listening to a friend tell about a relative who was running for an office and all the horrible ads that he and others have been victims of. It just didn't affect the "vote", it affected his family and friends who knew that he wasn't the way this ad portrayed him.Somehow, in our society, we have come to justify slander and lies as a way to get us to vote for them. The Bible says that slander/lying is matter what your motive.
The primary elections are this week in Montgomery and all over our state. As followers of Christ, there are specific guidelines on the character of person. Be the one to live that instead of what our political candidates are doing to each other. What you see on TV(all the mudslinging, etc)is NOT good character.

As we pray for Montgomery this week, here are a few things we can pray for.
1. Pray for wisdom as you cast your vote. Read the facts, don't listen to the ads. What you hear on TV is not the truth for any candidate. Be wise.
2. Pray for the Lord to bring the RIGHT candidate to each position to be a light and a change in our Greater Montgomery area.
3. Pray for yourself. Are you a mudslinger? It is not just politicians that do this. We all do and it is sin. If each follower of Christ would choose his/her words wisely, we would be a better witness to those who do not believe.

Leaving us all with this verse to ponder this week as we serve others as followers of Christ and as we cast votes for public officials.

Food for thought:
 "Being wise is better than being strong; yes, knowledge is more important than strength. After all, you must make careful plans before you fight a battle, and the more good advice you get, the more likely you are to win". Proverbs 24:5-6

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Praying for those in Montgomery Who are Hungry

Summer is about to begin. While most of us will travel, run to the beach on the weekends, just be a little more laid back, ministries all around the Greater Montgomery area will be working harder in many ways. One such outreach is that most food pantries will be OVERFLOWING with folks who need MORE groceries because schools are closed for the summer which means that parents who live on limited incomes will not be able to afford to feed their kids much for breakfast or lunch. What does this have to do with prayer? 

This weeks challenge: Praying for those who are hungry.....
"And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.” Luke 3:11

1. Montgomery has 26% of it's approximately 250,000 people go to bed hungry most every night. That is 65,000 human beings young, old and in between. Most of this 26% rely on school breakfast and lunches to feed their children during the school year. Pray for each of these 65,000 PEOPLE to not have to go to bed hungry.
2. Pray for ways YOU can share what YOU have with those families. Look through your closets, your food pantry, your garages and see what you are not using anymore and share it. Jesus says to do that in Luke 3:11.
3. Pray for ministries/churches around the Greater Montgomery area who depend on food donations to help families in need. AND the need is going to increase this summer starting this is out now and more food is going to be needed to give to families who come through these ministries/churches.

1. If you go to a church where you have a food pantry, buy a few extras this week and donate them. Trade your extras this week and give them them to someone else(please buy semi healthy food-no junk!). Several churches are asking for more donations right now and as the church, we need to help out. Give what you can!
2. Find a ministry around town this summer and either volunteer or donate your excess to them. We don't need everything we have in our homes and there are families who do. Be generous today for God has been generous to you.....Matthew 10:8

For a list of ministries around Montgomery that you could serve through your donations, call Lisa Rose at 334-271-6794 or email

Monday, May 19, 2014

Helping Children

Just finished going through a Tutoring Children and Youth as a Ministry training this weekend. I am reminded of some things I have read over the years about this.

"In CA(and other states), prisons look at 3rd grade test scores to determine the amount of beds needed in the next ten years...." Catholic Campaign for Human Development. 

From the Atlantic Magazine, "In an Education Week article last year, the magazine highlighted a report by sociology professor Donald Hernandez who compared reading scores and graduation rates of almost 4,000 students. "A student who can't read on grade level by 3rd grade is four times less likely to graduate by age 19 than a child who does read proficiently by that time. Add poverty to the mix, and a student is 13 times less likely to graduate on time than his or her proficient, wealthier peer," read the report. Enter crime". 

All these notes point to a fact: We need to help our kids(grades K-12)learn to read and do math. It is a life skill that all need. I would be so bold to say that based on Jesus life, He always seemed to meet a physical need that was blocking the person's ability to HEAR the gospel. I'm wondering:.... if this need that is so big in the Greater Montgomery area would this be one of those Jesus things he would have done in our time....teach someone to read and do math?

As followers of Christ, we have an obligation to meet needs where we can. 
I John 3:17-18 says this:   "If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person? Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions". (NLT)

Prayer Points for This Week:
1. Pray that the Lord will show you how to meet this critical need for many of our children in the Greater Montgomery area. If we want to slow down crime, we need to help children.
2. Pray for kids who go through school(both public and private)that if they are having problems with reading or math, that someone will notice and help them. 
3. Pray for your church. Would you and your church consider partnering with a school and helping kids who need to learn to read and do math?

Philippians 2:4 says: "do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others".

If you would like to help kids learn to read and do math, contact Lisa C. Rose at 334-271-6794 or email

Monday, May 12, 2014

Praying for Those Who Live With Mental Illness

I know we have touched on this subject before, but wanted to remind us all that there are many people in the Greater Montgomery that are living with mental illnesses. The stereotype is that ALL people with mental illnesses commit crimes or "go berzerk" but that is NOT TRUE. Most people who live with these illnesses go unnoticed every day.

Unless you have experienced a family member or yourself walking through this challenging experience, it is hard to fathom what it feels like. Our churches and our towns are FULL of folks who struggle with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, trauma and other mental illnesses. It is important for the church body to be sensitive to this and learn how to minister in the right way. 

As we pray this week, remember that mental illness is usually hidden from our sight. You can't always SEE mental illness. As you go about your day each day this week, know that there are those around you here in the greater Montgomery area who have to live with this each day for the rest of their lives.

Here are a few prayer tips you can use to pray specifically for those who live it. You may know some folks so remember to lift them up as well.

1. Pray for the Lord to continue to provide what is needed to each person who lives with a mental illness in Montgomery.
2. Pray for our state and national leadership. Though mental illness is on the rise, resources are being cut. In Montgomery alone, several facilities have been closed and outpatient resources are limited.
3. Pray about how you and your church can show love and care to those in your congregations who live with mental illness.
4. Pray for your own eyes to be opened to what theses folks go through each day.
5. Pray for soothing healing of the soul, heart and mind for every person who lives with this. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 - "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me".

If you need some help or know someone who does, you can contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness. The Alabama chapter is right here in Montgomery. Their number is: (800) 626-4199.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Praying Outside Our World

Today, as we sat in staff meeting, when we read the prayer requests, I looked down the list and saw that there were many hurting people in our churches who needed prayer, support and care. And that was just those we knew about IN OUR churches. Every day, everywhere you go.....there are those you bump into or sit by at the restaurant who are hurting and feel very, very alone. It is important that we get out of our "world" and look around us.
God is working all around you....bringing people into your midst who NEED YOU to tell them about Jesus and his love for them. God brought you to that person for a share HIS love in your actions and your words.
Are you and I "willing" to get out of the fishbowl of "our world" and look around us, here in the Montgomery area and see who might be hurting?
Prayer challenge this week: As you go about your day, each day this week, ask the Lord to show you who HE wants you to talk to and strike up that BOLD, be COURAGEOUS.
PRAY PRAY PRAY for our city our neighborhoods as we go about our days. How do we fit into God's plan for OUR neighborhoods to know Christ?

"Pray for the city to which I have sent you, for when it prospers in peace, so will you"? Jeremiah 29:7

Monday, April 7, 2014

Being Deeply Rooted In Order to SEE Montgomery the Way God Does

Today, as I watch the rain come down outside, I am reminded with this devotion from one of my favorite authors that we must be "deeply rooted" in God as we follow this journey of life. I think about all the troubles that Montgomery has and how it seems sometimes that we can easily give up and think our prayers are not being heard for this great city. God hears.....we must trust Him that He is working through us and hears our prayers. BUT, in order to effectively minister to others in this region, we must be DEEPLY ROOTED in HIM. Those who have gone before us stayed firmly rooted in Him as they lived out their calling. As you pray for this city and the things we know are difficulties, remember that we, as followers of Christ, must stay deeply rooted in Him to be able to SEE what He is doing here. 

Leaving you with this devotion and scripture for today to ponder as you PRAY for our city and SEE it through God's eyes.

                                                          Deeply Rooted in God
Trees that grow tall have deep roots. Great height without great depth is dangerous. The great leaders of this world - like St. Francis and Martin Luther King, Jr., - were all people who could live with public notoriety, influence, and power in a humble way because of their deep spiritual rootedness.
Without deep roots we easily let others determine who we are. But as we cling to our popularity, we may lose our true sense of self. Our clinging to the opinion of others reveals how superficial we are. We have little to stand on. We have to be kept alive by adulation and praise. Those who are deeply rooted in the love of God can enjoy human praise without being attached to it.
Henri Nouwen

Colossians 2:7 "Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness". NLT

Monday, March 31, 2014

Every child............

"Every child you encounter is a divine appointment." Wess Stafford, Compassion International.

Do you believe that? I do. I believe that as adult followers of Christ, children must become important to us all. They are the ones Jesus brought closer to him when the disciples wanted to dismiss them....they are the ones that usually speak to us far louder and more honestly than our adult counterparts.

 In the Greater Montgomery area, there are MANY children who are neglected, abused and sometimes passed over when need is there. There are more children being "passed on" in schools here and not given the education they need to function in this world. I hear story after story of kids who are passed on from one grade to the next, never learning what they need to know. One such young woman came to us for help. She is in her early 20's and never learned to read. A volunteer is helping her right now not only in reading but has opened up a whole new world for her in many different ways. The volunteer is investing in her life. 

Tutoring children and youth is not only a great way to improve kids grades and help them learn...but it is a wonderful vehicle in which to share Christ.....Montgomery Baptist Association is offering a training in May on Tutoring Children and Youth as a will have the opportunity to learn some basic methods on tutoring and sharing your faith! Email Lisa Rose, for  more information.

In the meantime, are you praying for kids in the Greater Montgomery area this week? Would you? As you drive by schools(all schools)pray for the Lord to be with that kid in that big building who might need reassurance today that he/she is a worthwhile child of God who has value OR pray that those kids who came to school hungry will be filled up both physically and spiritually with the Bread of Li

Mark 9:36-37 "He put a child in the middle of the room. Then, cradling the little one in his arms, he said, “Whoever embraces one of these children as I do embraces me, and far more than me—God who sent me.”

Monday, March 24, 2014

Are You Ready to Be Involved in What God is Doing Today in Montgomery?

Look around you today as you are out and about and ask the Lord to show you what direction to pray this week. There are many, many needs in the Greater Montgomery area and you can be the conduit for God's love to others as you go about your day. Ask the Lord for guidance to see the needs around you today and every day this week. Wonder what you will find? 

“We never know how God will answer our prayers, but we can expect that He will get us involved in His plan for the answer. If we are true intercessors, we must be ready to take part in God’s work on behalf of the people for whom we pray.”
― Corrie ten Boom

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Refreshing Others

A friend died this last week unexpectedly. She was a middle aged woman with some special needs who lived alone. She was a Christian and knew the Lord and ministered very graciously even with her limitations. She was always trying to make people smile, she served well in what she did and was very concerned for the disabilities community here in Montgomery.

She was living out her faith as she was able, but quite honestly, probably did more "outreach" than those of us with no medical or mental health issues. She was childlike in her faith and just "did it" know, reached out and loved others despite the possible rejection. I loved that about her. She was inspiring to me despite her limitations.

What are you and I doing today...despite our circumstances to show the Greater Montgomery area God's love in tangible ways?

This is a verse that describes how I feel about my friend....

Romans 15:32 ESV "............So that by God's will I may come to you with joy and be "refreshed" in your company".

Are you "refreshing company" for others? Can others come to you and be refreshed with a listening ear or a hug or just the acknowledgement that what they are going through is very hard?

Think on these things this week as you go about your daily routine.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Giving Generously and Learning to Pray

It had been a very cold week in Montgomery. I got a call from a friend who had a co-worker who needed a coat. I put the word out and very soon after got a call from a lady I know who said that just that morning she had prayed and asked the Lord to show her who to give this coat she had to. The coat was the exact size this other woman needed. The lady who needed the coat was thrilled. She didn't know how she was going to afford one. 

The lady who had the coat was thrilled because it was a reminder of several things.
1. She had too many coats for one person. She needed to share what she had.
2. God answers when we ask and she was willing to be obedient to His prompting.
3. She was learning to consider ALL of her possessions God's property,not her own. So if someone else needed it, she was asking the Lord to help her be willing to give it up...for someone else.

Wonder what it would look like if, as followers of Christ, we took seriously the fact that everything good that has been given to us is from God and that we are called to "live generously" because of what He has done for us? Would you pray that prayer this week?

Are you willing to be "willing" to give up your possessions for those who need it more? Montgomery would be a DIFFERENT kind of city.

Praying this week for all followers of Christ in the Greater Montgomery area to come to a point of radical generosity because of the great generosity the Lord has bestowed on us.
                                                      Matthew 10:8b MSG
                            "You have been treated generously, so live generously".

Monday, March 3, 2014

Praying for Our City During Lent

This Wednesday, March 5th, begins LENT, a season on the Christian calendar in preparation for Easter. It goes through Saturday, April 19th which is the day before Easter. People "give up" things during Lent for many reasons. Wonder if we all decided to sacrifice some time each day that can be specifically for praying for Montgomery?

I will be listing something to pray for each week during Lent but in-between, pray for the Lord to use you and me as we go about our life where HE has placed us for this season.

Here are five areas you can focus on this next 40 days that are real issues in Montgomery. I listed them last time but here they are as a reminder. You can copy/paste and print this list out to remind yourself to pray.

Crime-Praying for wisdom for our public safety folks as they protect. Pray for encounters with the Living God for those who commit crime. Remember: crime is a symptom of a sick heart.

Poverty-Praying for provision, for insight, for direction for those who are impoverished. Praying for those of us who have our needs met to be more generous. Praying for our "system" to stop enabling people to be imprisoned by poverty.

Race-Living a life where we see ALL people through God's eyes and treat them with love, kindness and mercy. ALL people are God's creations but we tend to not treat those who are different from us the way we would like to be treated.

Schools-Lord have mercy on our school systems in the area. Praying for wisdom, for creativity, for politics to get out of the way of education and for administration to stop fighting and work together for the good of the kids!

Consumer Religion-BIG in Montgomery! Praying for Christians to step up and start giving out of sacrifice not abundance. Praying for Christians to get out of self and start worshiping the Lord and not the programs! Praying for Christians(all of us)to stop picking and choosing what "easy" verses we will live by and ignoring the hard ones!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Are you Praying for Montgomery?

"If our encounter with God does not require something of us, we have to ask whether it was really God we encountered." (Alan & Debra Hirsch, Untamed)

As we go through this week, question to ask self: Am I doing what God requires? Micah 6:8 lays out out pretty plainly."........this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God". Doing what is right....wondering about praying for this city...for this people, for those who are desperately needing the Savior.........

The Montgomery Baptist Association has seen that there are FIVE key issues that need to be addressed in Montgomery: Race, Poverty, Schools, Crime and Consumer Religion. Sacrifice some time this week from TV, books, cell phones, etc and FOCUS on praying for Montgomery and all its needs and how you can be part of the solution.

Here are some prayer points and you can add your own

Crime-Praying for wisdom for our public safety folks as they protect. Pray for encounters with the Living God for those who commit crime. Remember: crime is a symptom of a sick heart.

Poverty-Praying for provision, for insight, for direction for those who are impoverished. Praying for those of us who have our needs met to be more generous. Praying for our "system" to stop enabling people to be imprisoned by poverty.

Race-Living a life where we see ALL people through God's eyes and treat them with love, kindness and mercy. ALL people are God's creations but we tend to not treat those who are different from us the way we would like to be treated.

Schools-Lord have mercy on our school systems in the area. Praying for wisdom, for creativity, for politics to get out of the way of education and for administration to stop fighting and work together for the good of the kids!

Consumer Religion-BIG in Montgomery! Praying for Christians to step up and start giving out of sacrifice not abundance. Praying for Christians to get out of self and start worshiping the Lord and not the programs! Praying for Christians(all of us)to stop picking and choosing what "easy" verses we will live by and ignoring the hard ones!

Here is a great verse to end on today......let's pray it together this week! 

II Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land".

Monday, February 10, 2014

Praying for the Unemployed......

In Montgomery there are about 17,000 citizens who are unemployed (AL Dept of Labor, November 2013. ). That means that there are 17,000 people without the means to get by. The Bible talks about work and how it is good for the soul. In praying for our city this week, pray for those are who are unemployed.

Pray for the city to which I have sent you.............Jeremiah 29:7

Monday, February 3, 2014

If My People(in Montgomery)Will Pray..............

Just a Reminder this week of God's Promise. 

This verse is not about "them", it is about "us"! Pray Pray Pray for God's healing on the Greater Montgomery area.....

2 Chronicles 7:14 - If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

                                                 Photo courtesy of

Monday, January 27, 2014

Pray With All Your Heart.

Are you praying today? There are many people who are hurting today as you and I got up to go to work and school. There are many who are wondering where their next meal will come from. There are many that are addicted to "something" and are empty inside their soul. There are many who try to do things on their own and keep messing up. There are people struggling with medical issues. There are very lonely people right now thinking about ending their life. There are those who are separated from the Lord and don't have access to His love.

Pray for Greater Montgomery this week......................with all your heart. People's futures are at stake!

“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.”
― Mother Teresa

Monday, January 13, 2014


It was mentioned during church yesterday that people in Montgomery seem a little discouraged these days. So much is happening and not only are we dealing with crime and other "city" issues, there is much discouragement in our personal lives....death, disease, heartache, financial strain....._________________you fill in the blank with others!

 Our city and surrounding areas need HOPE. Are you and I willing to pray fervently for our city to KNOW hope in their lives? We should. As followers of Christ, we are called to pray and to communicate HOPE through our daily lives.

This week................pray for HOPE!
Read this from Psalm 42 today.....
this is what lack of hope looks like:

“O God my rock,” I cry,
“Why have you forgotten me?
Why must I wander around in grief,
oppressed by my enemies?”
10 Their taunts break my bones.
They scoff, “Where is this God of yours?”
11 Why am I discouraged?
Why is my heart so sad?

This is the remedy for LACK of HOPE!
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again—
my Savior and my God!
(New Living Translation)

Pray for our neighbors and friends in this area to have HOPE this week. Be ready to be used as an "instrument of HOPE" as we

Monday, January 6, 2014

It is NOW 2014!! Are You Praying?

It is NOW 2014...a chance to start and make a commitment THIS YEAR to pray fervently for the Greater Montgomery area.....will you?
I'm reposting last week's post to remind us all to make that commitment to pray for our city and surrounding areas.....Happy New Year! Let's show this city/area how much we care. Because God cares....we must care if we are followers of Christ.

Here are some things to pray for as we begin the new year. Feel free to add more in the comment section as you reflect on this new year and what God can and will do "if his people pray"!!!

Pray first that all Christians will have a RENEWED SENSE OF URGENCY to pray for this area. Greater Montgomery is changing day by day and not all of it is good.

PRAY FOR OURSELVES. That we will each renew our commitment to pray for the place the Lord has us for this time. God cares about our city so much and we should as well. Jeremiah 29:7 "Work to see that the city where I sent you... enjoys peace and prosperity. Pray to the Lord for it. For as it prospers you will prosper".

-They will NEVER get ALL crime out of our city but they can surely work toward more civil-ness. Pray that each and every one of them will be renewed this year as they do their jobs and not get too cynical. Pray for those who do not know the Lord to come to the Lord this year. Pray for those who are Christians to have renewed minds(Romans 12:1-2) so that they can see the city they serve through God's eyes.

PRAY FOR CITIZENS of the Greater Montgomery area. Pray for healing, for turning away from sin, for provision, for good mental health, for support, for a church to call home and get support.

PRAY FOR OUR CHURCHES to be renewed in their commitment to serving all of Montgomery, not just the members of their churches. Pray for the Body of Christ to be set on fire to LOVE LOVE LOVE the people of our area. Pray that ALL of us will SHOW the love of Christ in ALL we do.

And this is for all of us...................

"Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land". II Chronicles 7:14