Monday, February 14, 2011

Praying for MPS Part 2

If you have been following the situation with the Montgomery Public School hearings, you know that there is a lot of chaos and a lot of concern among parents and teachers about decisions being made soon. In fact, maybe this next week. Setting aside all politics, I would like to challenge us all, as Christians, we need to pray for this board and all involved in the decision making process. Whether we agree with the politics or not, we need to be covering this meeting and our kids with prayer. It is our responsibility to do so.

So..this week as we head full force into it...pray on these things:
1. That the needs of the kids will be taken into consideration...seriously.
2. That those who are making decisions will be open to new ideas that others have thought of and not be so hasty in decision making.
3. And thank the Lord that HE is bigger than any school system and he cares for everyone involved and HE does win in the end.
4. That Christians will stand up and make a difference where they can and do it with humbleness, love and good character.

"In everything that you do, do it as if you are doing it for the Lord and not for mankind." Colossians 3:23