Monday, April 7, 2014

Being Deeply Rooted In Order to SEE Montgomery the Way God Does

Today, as I watch the rain come down outside, I am reminded with this devotion from one of my favorite authors that we must be "deeply rooted" in God as we follow this journey of life. I think about all the troubles that Montgomery has and how it seems sometimes that we can easily give up and think our prayers are not being heard for this great city. God hears.....we must trust Him that He is working through us and hears our prayers. BUT, in order to effectively minister to others in this region, we must be DEEPLY ROOTED in HIM. Those who have gone before us stayed firmly rooted in Him as they lived out their calling. As you pray for this city and the things we know are difficulties, remember that we, as followers of Christ, must stay deeply rooted in Him to be able to SEE what He is doing here. 

Leaving you with this devotion and scripture for today to ponder as you PRAY for our city and SEE it through God's eyes.

                                                          Deeply Rooted in God
Trees that grow tall have deep roots. Great height without great depth is dangerous. The great leaders of this world - like St. Francis and Martin Luther King, Jr., - were all people who could live with public notoriety, influence, and power in a humble way because of their deep spiritual rootedness.
Without deep roots we easily let others determine who we are. But as we cling to our popularity, we may lose our true sense of self. Our clinging to the opinion of others reveals how superficial we are. We have little to stand on. We have to be kept alive by adulation and praise. Those who are deeply rooted in the love of God can enjoy human praise without being attached to it.
Henri Nouwen

Colossians 2:7 "Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness". NLT