Monday, August 26, 2013

Consumerism in the Church


Prayer Question this week...are you a consumer Christian? Read this blog and ask the Lord to show you your purpose in being at church? Is it for your benefit or the Kingdom's?
Praying this week for ALL Montgomery churches...that our hearts will be changed and that we will seek to follow Christ and be disciples, not consumers. Montgomery NEEDS us to be DISCIPLES...

Monday, August 19, 2013

Kids Starting School This Week!

Every parent rejoices on this day...I know we do. First day of the River Region for most schools. Some started last week.

Each day, our kids are faced with multiple influences around them. For ALL of them it is the peer influence. We parents don't have control anymore of who our kids hang out with AT school. We don't know every single thing they do at school. Will they make the right choices? Then there is the teacher/admin influence. What "ideas" are they teaching our kids? Do they go against our family values? Are our kids safe? Do they get the right knowledge to get into college or get that job they need to live on? So many things to think about and "worry about".

What can we do to not only cover "our kids" but cover the kids in our schools(both public and private)that need God's protection, wisdom and guidance and influence?

Someone told me once about a situation: "This is the perfect opportunity for you to show Jesus how much you trust Him!" This is one of those opportunities folks! I hear SO much complaining about schools in general(both public and private)that I wonder how much those of us who are "believers" trust our God.

So what do we pray for this week?
1. God's Guidance: for all kids in our Montgomery area schools to have what they need provided for them. To learn well, kids need to have the tools they need. Have you asked your local schools what they "need" so that ALL students can have their resources?

2. God's Protection: For safety, of course, but more than from the influences that are "societal" not godly. Consumerism, popularity, clothes....things that distract our kids from focusing on the Lord.

3. God's Wisdom: Most every kid in school(no matter what age they are....doesn't have much(if any) wisdom. They need wisdom and they need teachers and administration with wisdom to help guide them each day.

4. God's Influence:praying for all kids at our schools to meet others who can show them how much God loves them. Teachers, administrators, parents who frequent the school can be GREAT examples of God's love for them.

PRAY PRAY PRAY ...pray that your child/ren and ALL children can be a "LIGHT" in the midst of darkness at their schools. Don't think that God won't use children of ALL ages. He uses mine ALL THE TIME to teach me how to LOVE!

“We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.” ~ Oswald Chambers