Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Filling the Void

I saw this the other day and wanted to re run it....Drive through Eastdale Mall parking lot or through Eastchase. Why do so many people congregate at the malls? Most shop for things we need of course, but for a lot of people, it is because they are lonely and because they think that being around a lot of other people will make them happy and no longer lonely. Most find that that isn't true! Some shop there not because they need something, but because they think that shopping will fill an empty void in their souls. They are looking for something to make them feel worthy or whole or accepted.

Wonder what would happen if we all of prayed this week for those souls who congregate at a mall or a Target or a Walmart or the Mall?

Wonder if we prayed for them to be able to find Christ through us or through someone while they are shopping or hanging out. Wonder what would happen?

"I am lonely and troubled. Show that you care and have compassion on me"Psalm 25:16

"You shouldn't just say, "I hope all goes well for you. I hope you will be warm and have plenty to eat." What good is it to say this, unless you do something to help?"James 2:16

"But you must defend those who are helpless and have no hope".Proverbs 31:8

"Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God's people".Ephesians 6:18


FOR a copy of 31 ways to prayer drive Montgomery...go to:www.mgmbaptist.org and click on the 31 ways. You can download that and use every day as you drive around Montgomery!

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