Thursday, March 20, 2014

Refreshing Others

A friend died this last week unexpectedly. She was a middle aged woman with some special needs who lived alone. She was a Christian and knew the Lord and ministered very graciously even with her limitations. She was always trying to make people smile, she served well in what she did and was very concerned for the disabilities community here in Montgomery.

She was living out her faith as she was able, but quite honestly, probably did more "outreach" than those of us with no medical or mental health issues. She was childlike in her faith and just "did it" know, reached out and loved others despite the possible rejection. I loved that about her. She was inspiring to me despite her limitations.

What are you and I doing today...despite our circumstances to show the Greater Montgomery area God's love in tangible ways?

This is a verse that describes how I feel about my friend....

Romans 15:32 ESV "............So that by God's will I may come to you with joy and be "refreshed" in your company".

Are you "refreshing company" for others? Can others come to you and be refreshed with a listening ear or a hug or just the acknowledgement that what they are going through is very hard?

Think on these things this week as you go about your daily routine.

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