Monday, April 6, 2015

Helping Those With Cognitive and Physical Disabilities

I spent some time this weekend with some friends of my boys who have special needs both physically and cognitively. One person was telling me that she did not go to church anymore because she never felt welcomed and the kids in her youth group always excluded her. Even though they were "nice" to her, they never called her when the "gang" got together for a movie, a football game or went over to someone's home to play games....all the things she liked to do. She felt she had reached out to them and invited them to things but they never showed up. She pretty much just gave up on church.
So, how do we help this situation? In most of our churches in the Greater Montgomery area, there are youth, children and adults with special needs--from autism to physical and intellectual disabilities. They feel isolated already at school and in public. It is a shame that they feel isolated at church. And brothers and sisters, they notice when they are left out! 

What is there to do?
1. Reach out to someone who has a disability. Especially youth and children in your church. Along with their disability, they have the same hopes, desires and HORMONES as typical kids. Don't think that youth or adults are VOID of emotion or dreams/desires because of their challenges. Pray for ways to reach out to them. They WILL respond to you just like anyone who receives kindness. And PLEASE, stop treating them like the church "pet"(that is a quote from a young woman I know in another state).
2. Find a way to include them in adult and youth activities OUTSIDE the church. Invite them over for a movie night when the other youth or singles or adults are doing something.....don't be afraid. Pray for courage to get to know someone different.
3. Pray for ways your church as a whole can reach out to these people in your church(adult and kids)as a ministry. Reach out to the parents or caregivers of these members. Help them when you can. Most caregivers don't ask for help because they have been rejected too much. They need a break once in a while. Don't be afraid to step out and help.
4. Pray for those who have felt rejection from the church for their challenges. In God's church, EVERYONE should be welcomed and cared for, not just those we are comfortable with.

Acts 20:35 ESV "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” 
If you are interested in your church finding ways to minister to people with disabilities and their caregivers, go to:
They are a GREAT resource for churches and individuals who want to reach those who are disabled, especially kids and youth.

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