Monday, May 16, 2016

Pray for Kids and Foster Families in Greater Montgomery

Many of you know that we adopted our 2 sons out of foster care. May is Foster Care Awareness month and I want to tell you why it is so important to foster children when they need a place to go.

This is our experience but holds true for so many kids.
1. Our boys were able to be with families who taught them how to be a healthy family member. Many children who are in foster care lived in chaotic homes where they didn't get to learn how to get along, how to cooperate and how to love without being hurt. Mine got that chance. By the time they were ready to be adopted, my boys, for the most part, had learned how to be a part of a family and cooperate with each other and with their new parents.
2. My boys were loved by their foster parents "as if" they were their own. That helped them learn to attach. Loving a kid and welcoming them into your home and letting them get attached actually "HELPS" them attach to their adopted family if they are adopted. If they are not placed for adoption, they learn that there are people in this world who can show them how to love the right way without it hurting.
3. My boys saw the siblings in their foster homes have goals and dreams that they had never had. Each our boys foster homes demonstrated how to have goals and dreams for their futures.
Here is the bottom line. Our boys BENEFITED from having foster parents who cared about them, who made them a full part of their family and showed them how to dream and have a future.
In Montgomery alone, according to the Department of Human Resources, there are currently 5000 children in foster care. They come from all kinds of situations. They need parental love from a healthy family. They need God's love more than anything. We were very fortunate that both of our boys had Christian foster parents who instilled the Truth in both boys. They laid the foundation for their coming to know the Lord in a personal way.

James 1:27 says this: "Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you".

Here are some links if you might be interested in being a foster parents.
Montgomery County Dept of Human Resources…/Foster_Care/Intro_Foster_Care.aspx
Alabama Baptist Children's Homes and Family Ministry
Bobbi Olson is our Montgomery Social Worker and you can call her directly for more information. 334-430-7569
Alabama United Methodist Children's Homes

Pray this month for kids in foster care, for their birth parents to heal so they can be reunited and for foster parents to serve them through making them a full part of their family and help the kids heal as well.

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