Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Praying for those in Montgomery Who are Hungry

Summer is about to begin. While most of us will travel, run to the beach on the weekends, just be a little more laid back, ministries all around the Greater Montgomery area will be working harder in many ways. One such outreach is that most food pantries will be OVERFLOWING with folks who need MORE groceries because schools are closed for the summer which means that parents who live on limited incomes will not be able to afford to feed their kids much for breakfast or lunch. What does this have to do with prayer? 

This weeks challenge: Praying for those who are hungry.....
"And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.” Luke 3:11

1. Montgomery has 26% of it's approximately 250,000 people go to bed hungry most every night. That is 65,000 human beings young, old and in between. Most of this 26% rely on school breakfast and lunches to feed their children during the school year. Pray for each of these 65,000 PEOPLE to not have to go to bed hungry.
2. Pray for ways YOU can share what YOU have with those families. Look through your closets, your food pantry, your garages and see what you are not using anymore and share it. Jesus says to do that in Luke 3:11.
3. Pray for ministries/churches around the Greater Montgomery area who depend on food donations to help families in need. AND the need is going to increase this summer starting this week...school is out now and more food is going to be needed to give to families who come through these ministries/churches.

1. If you go to a church where you have a food pantry, buy a few extras this week and donate them. Trade your extras this week and give them them to someone else(please buy semi healthy food-no junk!). Several churches are asking for more donations right now and as the church, we need to help out. Give what you can!
2. Find a ministry around town this summer and either volunteer or donate your excess to them. We don't need everything we have in our homes and there are families who do. Be generous today for God has been generous to you.....Matthew 10:8

For a list of ministries around Montgomery that you could serve through your donations, call Lisa Rose at 334-271-6794 or email lrose@mgmbaptist.org

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