Monday, June 2, 2014

Lying and Slander in Montgomery Politics

Exodus 23:1 ESV “You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness". 

I saw this verse after listening to a friend tell about a relative who was running for an office and all the horrible ads that he and others have been victims of. It just didn't affect the "vote", it affected his family and friends who knew that he wasn't the way this ad portrayed him.Somehow, in our society, we have come to justify slander and lies as a way to get us to vote for them. The Bible says that slander/lying is matter what your motive.
The primary elections are this week in Montgomery and all over our state. As followers of Christ, there are specific guidelines on the character of person. Be the one to live that instead of what our political candidates are doing to each other. What you see on TV(all the mudslinging, etc)is NOT good character.

As we pray for Montgomery this week, here are a few things we can pray for.
1. Pray for wisdom as you cast your vote. Read the facts, don't listen to the ads. What you hear on TV is not the truth for any candidate. Be wise.
2. Pray for the Lord to bring the RIGHT candidate to each position to be a light and a change in our Greater Montgomery area.
3. Pray for yourself. Are you a mudslinger? It is not just politicians that do this. We all do and it is sin. If each follower of Christ would choose his/her words wisely, we would be a better witness to those who do not believe.

Leaving us all with this verse to ponder this week as we serve others as followers of Christ and as we cast votes for public officials.

Food for thought:
 "Being wise is better than being strong; yes, knowledge is more important than strength. After all, you must make careful plans before you fight a battle, and the more good advice you get, the more likely you are to win". Proverbs 24:5-6

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