Monday, August 3, 2015


4. Poverty

"The poor with always be with us" a true statement. Poverty will be here til Jesus comes back and we are to follow Christ while it is here with us. Montgomery now has over 27% of it's population that live at or under the poverty level. Before you dismiss someone who lives in poverty, watch the video attached and see what you may have not known. EVEN people who are SCAMMING the system NEED Jesus. As followers of Christ, we are called to share the GOOD NEWS with EVERYONE. As followers of Christ, we don't have the option to "pick and choose" who we minister to. We don't! God loves EVERY single soul that is on this earth and wants to have fellowship with Him.

After you watch the video here are few things to think about and pray about regarding those living in poverty.
1. More than 98% of people who live in poverty or get assistance are NOT scamming the system. They are mostly people who work( this includes military families in Montgomery) who can't make ends meet.
2.The poverty line for a family of 4 in the United States is $24,250 for 2015.(the video is from 2010). Could your family of 4 live on this amount per year without having to make difficult decisions?
3. Not all people on assistance are Black Americans. Most Americans on assistance are Caucasian.
4 Pray for ministries in our area who don't just give a hand out but a hand up in teaching new ways of budgeting, getting more education which leads to better jobs and when needed, filing for assistance. There are many people who have been hard workers all their lives and are now faced with job loss, debilitating medical issues and other life changing experiences.
5. Pray for how YOU can be involved in helping people in poverty. Can you share some of the "things" you have acquired? Can you tutor a child this Fall? Share Christ through teaching a Bible study? There are many ways YOU can help someone who lives in poverty. 

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy". — Proverbs 31:8-9
"Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered". Proverbs 21:13

Though this is from the Catholic Campaign of Human Development, ALL Christians can join in helping families get basic needs met.

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