Monday, August 10, 2015


RACISM can only be changed when people's hearts are changed. The way to heart change is through Jesus. The way to Jesus is through followers of Christ taking and living out the message of the gospel in our community.

There is no doubt that racism exists in and out of the Christian church. How can we overcome? Rev. Billy Graham nails it on the head for us as the Christian. "Racism is sin. Period".

Those of us who are "white" followers of Christ, really need to understand that we have no idea how deep the wounds are ingrained in our black brothers and sisters families. It goes back generations. We can't tell them just to "get over it". Especially in Montgomery and the Greater Montgomery area, we are to love our brothers and sisters of color and reach out in love. Don't try to understand because we have never gone through what their families (of many generations)have gone through because you can't. Instead, ask questions, learn to empathize and walk beside those who have suffered great injustices.
FOR ALL OF US----we can remember that through Christ, we have a bond like no other. We can ALL overcome our prejudices IN Christ. As our brothers and sisters in Charleston showed us, we need to always be ready to act in kindness, care and support toward each other even when terrible acts of hurt and maliciousness are pointed toward us. Let us be examples in Montgomery, AL to the world that we can LOVE and LIVE together BECAUSE of Christ.
I John 2:11
"But anyone who hates another brother or sister is still living and walking in darkness. Such a person does not know the way to go, having been blinded by the darkness"
Prayer Points:
1. Read Psalm 139:23-24-Ask the Lord if there is anything in your heart that needs to be removed that would cause you to not fully love others who are different.
2. Pray that our churches will be cleansed of any racist thoughts we might have both individually and corporately. There is NO ROOM for racism in the Body of Christ....none!
3. Pray that as we live our lives, go to work, go to church, go shopping....wherever we are, that we will treat ALL people the way God intends, as a beautifully formed creation of His. Treat others the way YOU want to be treated.
Rev. Alan Cross(pastor at Gateway Baptist) wrote a great book on Racism in the Southern Christian church. You might want to pick up a copy and read it.
Here is the link.

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