Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Help In Times of Trouble

Let us bring the HOPE OF CHRIST to our city by praying over these things. People are very scared these days. As followers of Christ, we have the HOPE they need.

READ AND PRAY for individuals in our city and nation who are having a very hard time with all that is going on. There are many who suffer with severe anxiety over news stories. Let us pray for peace for all in the Greater Montgomery area as well as our nation this week.

Today, keep in mind there are many things to be praying for this week for our nation:
1. DACA-this will affect a whole lot of people who are living here, being productive people, not harming anyone, living the life our country was founded on. We need to pray for direction and a pathway to citizenship for each of these folks who were brought here as babies. All they have know is the United States as their home.
2. HARVEY-the remnants of Harvey, the clean up and people having to start over, the volunteers who are working tirelessly.
3. NORTHWEST FIRES-Homes destroyed, people displaced. The hundreds of firefighters and rescue personnel trying to control a fire.
4. NORTH KOREA-Praying for intervention and cooperation among our allies and a plan to stop this guy! Praying for safety for all people affected by evil actions.
5. IMPENDING IRMA-Where will Irma land? Praying for redirection of the storm, preparation of all people affected. Prepping of all disaster relief people.
6. Flooding in Southeast Asia. Hundreds of people lost their lives. Thousands displaced. Pray for all humanitarian workers who will be helping with recovery and restoration.

SO MUCH.....can feel overwhelming. Makes you want to go back to bed and hide under the covers and never listen to the news again. At least, that is what my instinct wants to do some days.
God has kept his promises about being with us through hard times. He has warned us in His Word that there will be troubles in this world.. He has promised to be with you and me during this time.
When I was living in NYC, right after 9-11-01, I was walking in a park and saw this verse taped onto a tree-just scribbled on a plain piece of paper-with these words.
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
Psalm 46:1

Meditate with me on this verse today. It can soothe the soul and bring us to a deeper understanding of God's love for us.

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